Page-3 of Philosophy

Three Levels of Morality by Kohlberg

Lawrence Kohlberg stressed that moral development primarily involves moral reasoning and occurs in stages. A key concept in understanding progression through the levels and stages is that their morality becomes more internal or mature. That is, their reasons for their ..

Kant’s three postulates of morality

The three postulates of morality are given by Immanuel Kant. They have been discussed as below: Immortality of the Soul Kant states in his critique, “the belief in God and another world is so interwoven with my moral sentiment.” The postulate ..

Kant’s view on the origin and importance of moral knowledge

Kant laid the foundations in Critique of Pure Reason (1781) about moral of knowledge. It stated about the moral of knowledge as one of the two things that filled his mind with new and increasing admiration, apart from the starry heaven ..

Kant’s notion of Good Will

According to Kant, the one unconditionally good thing is a good will despite all encroachments. When we act, consequences of our actions lies beyond our control, but the will behind the action can be controlled. People with good will often ..

Kant’s Categorical Imperative

Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher and is considered one of the central figures in modern philosophy. Kantianism Kant believed that people’s actions should to be guided by moral laws, and that these moral laws were universal. He held that ..

Kant’s Ethics: Core Idea

Kant believed that people’s actions should to be guided by moral laws, and that these moral laws were universal. He held that in order to apply to all rational beings, any supreme principle of morality must itself be based on ..

Psychological egoism of Hobbes versus Ethical egoism of Ayn Rand

Rand defines altruism as the view that “Any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one’s own benefit is evil”. Thus, the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value—and ..

Plato’s cardinal virtues

According to the old Greek thinkers, there are in all seven virtues of which four are called Cardinal Virtues while rest three are called Theological virtues. The “Cardinal” ones are those which all civilised people recognise. The “Theological” are those ..

UGC-NTA NET Political Science – Political Thought: Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a very important figure in Western philosophy. His ideas shaped modern political thought and continue to influence various fields. Hegel’s work explored the nature of reality, consciousness, and freedom. Biographical Overview Hegel was born on ..