Page-3 of Palestine

India support UNHRC resolution to probe Israel’s offensive on Gaza

India voted in support of a UN Human Rights Council resolution to begin an investigation of Israel’s offensive on Gaza. In the 47-member council, 29 countries which also included other BRICS member voted in support of the Palestinian-drafted resolution on ..



Google formally puts Palestine on virtual map

Google has recognized Palestine as an independent nation by changing the name on portal from ‘Palestine Territories’ to ‘Palestine’. About Palestine Palestine has been associated with the geographical area that currently covers the State of Israel, the West Bank and ..



Palestine to get $100 million monthly "financial safety net" from Arab states

Arab states have offered the Palestinian Authority a $100 million monthly "financial safety net" to aid Palestinian government tackle an economic crisis after the United Nations granted de facto statehood to Palestine. Reacting to the UN approval to Palestine as ..



Gaza Cease-Fire Holds as Hamas Claims Victory

After 8 days of a bloody conflict, cease fire returned to Gaza. This was brought about by negotiated Egypt along with USA. This was the worst cross-border fighting in four years b/w Hamas and the Israel. Hamas, the Palestinian militant ..

