Page-5 of North East
“Madhavpur Mela” of North East reviewed; Cabinet approves 30% NEC allocation to new projects
On January 29, 2020, the Union Minister of Development of NER (North Eastern Region), reviewed the preparations of Madhavpur Mela in Gujarat. It is to be organized in Porbandar (the birth place of Gandhiji). Also, the Cabinet has approved that ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
Winged Raider: Indian Army’s largest airborne exercise-500 troops participate
The Indian Army recently conducted the largest air borne exercise called the Winged Raider. Around 500 troops participated in the exercise. The exercise was conducted in the north-eastern theatre. Highlights The exercise was conducted to demonstrate the operational readiness of ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
Zo Kutpui Festival organised in Mizoram
The Mizoram State Government is organising Zo Kutpui festival across 10 states in the country and also in countries such as Myanmar, US and Bangladesh. Highlights The first edition of the festival is to begin in the city of Vanghmun ..
Lai Haraoba Festival begins in Tripura
On January 2, 2020, the Lai Haraoba festival began in Tripura. The festival will be celebrated for 5 days. The festival is celebrated by the Meitei community. The community is spread across Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya, Myanmar and Bangladesh. However, ..
Kerala: the first state to pass anti-CAA resolution
The Kerala Government on December 31, 2019, passed a resolution to rollback the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) that was passed during this winter session of Parliament. According to the Kerala Government, the CAA act contradicts the basic principles of Constitution. ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
Citizenship (Amendment) bill, 2019 in Lok Sabha
On December 4, 2019, the Union Cabinet cleared the Citizenship (Amendment) bill, for the bill to be tabled in Lok Sabha. The bill is being tabled amidst widespread protests in the north eastern states. Key Features The bill aims at ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2019
Ministry of Tourism sanctions 18 North East Development Project
The Ministry of Tourism on December 3, 2019 sanctioned 18 projects under the schemes PRASHAD and Swadesh Darshan. The Ministry has also allocated Rs 1456 crores for the projects. Highlights In order to develop the North Eastern region as a ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2019
Peace Process in Tripura
The National Liberation Front of Tripura is a Tripuri nationalist militant organization. It is currently operating in Tripura and has a field strength of 550 to 850 members. The NLFT is currently designated as a terrorist organization in India and ..
Special provisions for the states in the North East
While the abrogation of Article 370 which provided special privileges to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the spotlight has now shifted to Article 371 which provides the special provisions to the North Eastern States. The North-Eastern states have been ..
Economic Development of the North-East
For the economic development of the north-eastern states, the Indian Government is investing money and leveraging modern technology to help the locals economize their domestic produce. These include bamboo products, bird feathers, traditional clothing items, and beverages.? One such area ..