Page-9 of Nobel Prize

Eugene Fama wins Nobel in Economics for his Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

American Economist Eugene Fama won the Nobel prize for economics for developing new methods to study trends in asset markets. He is one of the three American Economists who won Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences. He shared Nobel for Economic Sciences ..



Nobel Peace Prize 2013 goes to OPCW

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) won the Nobel Peace Prize 2013 for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons. The award was announced by Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland. What is OPCW? What are its award-winning efforts? The ..



Taiwan business magnate Samuel Yin starts Asia's Nobel-type prizes

Samuel Yin, head of Ruentex Group, of Taiwan tycoon is funding to establish Tang Prize Foundation with an initial endowment of $103 million. It has been named after the Tang Dynasty of 618-907 ADwhich is venerated by the Chinese for ..



Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini “Lady of the Cells” passed away

“Lady of the Cells”, as she was known in Italy, Rita Levi-Montalcini  (103) passed away. She was a biologist who conducted underground research in defiance of Fascist persecution and later won a Nobel Prize for helping unlock the mysteries of ..



Sudeep Sen, first Indian to address Nobel Laureate Week

Poet Sudeep Sen from Delhi has been invited as a special guest to address the Nobel Laureate Week being held in Saint Lucia, a sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Mr. Sen is the first Indian to be ..


European Union receives 2012 Nobel Peace Prize

The 27- nation bloc, the European Union, received 2012Nobel Peace Prize for turning Europe "from a continent of war to a continent of peace" in the wake of two world wars. The award was conferred by Norwegian Nobel Committee chairman ..



Madhav Chavan wins WISE Prize ‘The Nobel Prize for education'

Dr Madhav Chavan has won the WISE Prize. The WISE Prize is considered to be the "Nobel prize for Education". Prize of $500,000 (£314,000) In recognition for his education work in the slums of Mumbai. His efforts to provide lessons ..


Physicist Prof. Ashok Sen wins The Fundamental Physics Prize (Yuri Milner Prize, Russian Nobel)

Prof. Ashok Sen, a theoretical Indian Physicist at Allahabad is one among the nine winners of the first Yuri Milner Prize which is worth $ 3 million, the biggest academic prize in the world in terms of prized money. The ..


Current Affairs Current Affairs : Awards October 2009:

October 13, 2009:Right Livelihood Award or Alternate Nobel Awards: 2009The Right Livelihood Award, established in 1980 by Jakob von Uexkull, is an award that is presented annually, usually on 9 December, to honour those “working on practical and exemplary solutions ..


Current Affairs Current Affairs : International : September -October 2009

October 9, 2009: Nobel Peace Prize to Barak ObamaUS President Barack Obama was announced as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.The annual award’s committee bestowed the honor on Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation ..
