Page-2 of Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize 2021 for Physics

The Nobel Prize 2021 for physics was awarded to three scientists from Japan, Germany and Italy. Secretary-general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Goran Hansson, announced the winners on October 5, 2021. Key facts Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann ..


2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine

On October 4, 2021, American scientists David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian won the prestigious “2021 Nobel Prize for Medicine”. Key Facts They won the prize for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch. According to award-giving body, these discoveries ..


Arecibo Telescope: Key Facts

Built in 1963, Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Telescope was built in 1963. It is the second-largest single-dish radio telescope in the world. It was in news recently because of its collapse. It is owned by the US National Science Foundation. It ..


Thirty Meter Telescope Project: Indian Astronomers collaborated with Nobel Laureate

The Indian Astronomers have collaborated with 2020 Physics Nobel Laureate Prof Andrea Ghez on the “Thirty Meter Telescope Project”. The telescope is being installed at Hawaii and is to revolutionise the understanding of the universe. Thirty Meter Telescope Project It ..


Nobel Prize for Economics, 2020

The Nobel Prize for Economics, 2020 was awarded to Paul R Milogrom and Robert B Wilson. They were awarded for improvements to Auction Theory and also for inventing new auction formats. The prize is also called Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory ..


Nobel Peace Prize, 2020

The Nobel Prize for Peace, 2020 has been awarded to the World Food Programme. The WFP has been honoured with the prize for its role towards contributing better conditions for peace in conflict affected areas. It has been a driving ..


Nobel Prize in Literature, 2020

The Nobel Prize, 2020 was awarded to Louise Gluck for her poetry. She is the first female poet to win the prize since Wislawa Szymborska in 1996. Though Olga Tokarczuk and several other women have received the prize in literature ..


Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 2020

The Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 2020 has been awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A Doudna for “Development of a method for Genome Editing”. The scientists had developed the Gene Editing Technique called “CRISPR-Cas9 Snipping Scissors”. Highlights The researchers can change ..


Nobel Prize for Physics, 2020

The Nobel Prize, 2020 for Physics has been awarded to Andrea M Ghez, Roger Penrose and Reinhard Genzel for their research on black holes. Highlights Roger Penrose was honored for the discovery that black hole formation is robust prediction of ..


Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 2020

The Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology has been jointly awarded to Harvey J Alter, Charles M Rice and Michael Houhgton. The scientists have been awarded for the discovery of Hepatitis C Virus. The Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology ..
