Page-6 of New Species

What is Monoceromyia flavoscutata?

It is a new species recently discovered in India. Along with Monoceromyia flavoscutata, researchers also found Monoceromyia nigra. These newly discovered species were classified as a new type Syrphid flies. About the discovery The species were discovered by scientists of ..



Kyhytysuka sachicarum: New Marine Reptile Discovered

Kyhytysuka sachicarum is a new marine reptile species discovered by an international team of researchers. It is an extinct species. It was discovered from fossils found in central Columbia. Earlier scientists believed that it belonged to Platypterygius genus. Recently, it ..


Yamatosaurus izanagii: New species of duck-billed dinosaur

An international team of Palaeontologists (who studies fossils) has identified a new genus and species of hadrosaur. Hadrosaur is also called duck-billed dinosaur. The species has been named as Yamatosaurus izanagii. About the discovery The new fossil discovery has provided ..


What is Potamophylax coronavirus?

Kosovar Biologist Halil Ibrahimi has named a newly discovered insect after COVID-19 virus. About the insect Ibrahimi spent years working on a different type of Caddisfly species. The species was found in Accursed Mountains (Kosovo’s Western Bjeshket e Nemuna National ..


Dracopristis hoffmanorum: Godzilla shark discovered in New Mexico

In 2013, Jonh Paul Hodnett, a graduate student unearthed fossil of a shark at Albuquerque, New Mexico. It turns out that, it is a fossil of a new shark species so far not known to man. After seven years of ..


Three-branded Rosefinch: New bird species in India

A team of scientists from the Bombay Natural History Society recorded a new species of bird. It has been identified as the three banded Rosefinch. The new bird species was identified while exploring the high-altitude coniferous forests of Arunachal Pradesh. ..


Portulaca laljii: New Species of Wild Sun Rose

The scientists have discovered a new species called Portulaca laljii. It is a wild Sun Rose found in the Eastern Ghats. About Portulaca laljii The Portulaca lajii was discovered in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. The unique features of ..


New Population of Blue Whales in Western Indian Ocean

The scientists have recently found evidence that there exists a new population of Blue Whale in the Western Indian Ocean. This population is being discovered for the first time. Echolocation Whales produce low frequency sounds. These sounds are in the ..


Arunachal Pradesh: New Fish Species Discovered

A new fish species called Schizothorax sikusirumensis has been discovered in Arunachal Pradesh. Highlights The name of the species has been derived from the names of the rivers where the fish was found. They are River Sirum and River Siku. ..


Scorpaenospsis neglecta: Rare fish found in Gulf of Mannar

The Researchers at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute have found a rare fish from the Gulf of Mannar. The specimen was deposited at the National Marine Biodiversity Museum of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI). Highlights The fish is ..
