Page-2 of Naxalism
Various Issues and Challenges in the anti-Naxal strategy and measures in India
Various issues and challenges in the anti-Naxal strategy and measures in India include Land reforms, empowerment of the grassroot organizations, transparency in land acquisition, employments, presence of efficient government machinery etc. They have been discussed below: Implementation of Land Reforms ..
Government of India’s response to Naxalism
There are several components of Government of India’s response to Naxalism. These include deployment of paramilitary forces and dedicated anti-Naxal forces, Modernization of Police forces, Investment in security related expenditures, Investment in local infrastructure, various development programmes etc. Some of ..
Factors Responsible for Growth of Naxalism in India
The Naxal affected areas are tribal dominated districts in the interiors of the states where the administrative architecture and development has not reached. The discontent among the population of these areas is on the matters of rights to lands, forests, ..
Current Extent of Red Corridor and Trends in LWE in India
Currently, Left Wing Extremism has been identified as the gravest internal security threat to India, surpassing terrorist movements in Kashmir and the North-eastern insurgencies in overall impact. Red Corridor The Naxalites have created or are in the process of creating ..
Union Home Ministry approves 17 new police battalions for J&K, Naxal-hit states
Union Home Ministry has approved to raise seventeen new police battalions in Jammu and Kashmir and the Naxal-hit states. Of these 17 police battalions, 5 battalions will be for Jammu and Kashmir and 12 for the Maoist-affected states. In this ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2015