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Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approves continuation of nine sub-schemes of umbrella scheme “Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)”

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved continuation of the nine sub-schemes of the umbrella scheme “Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)” during 2017-2020 at an estimated cost of Rs. 1450 crore. It will be ..

India’s first specialized hospital for elephants opened in Mathura

India’s first specialized hospital for elephants has opened by NGO Wildlife SOS (WSOS) in Mathura at Farah block’s Churmura village. The first-of-its-kind hospital has unique facilities including wireless digital X-ray, laser treatment, dental X-ray, thermal imaging, ultrasonography, hydrotherapy and quarantine ..

2018 World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD)

The World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) is observed every year on November 5 to raise awareness about precautionary measures against tsunami and share innovative approaches to risk reduction. Along with risk of large loss of life, the day also highlight ..

India and Japan sign loan pact for construction of Turga Pumped Storage in West Bengal

India and Japan has recently a Loan Agreement worth Rs. 1817 crore for the ‘Project for the Construction of Turga Pumped Storage (I)’ in the State of West Bengal. The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the capability to ..

Seychelles launchs world’s first Sovereign Blue Bond

The Republic of Seychelles has launched the world’s first sovereign blue bond – a financial instrument designed to support sustainable marine and fisheries projects. The bond developed with the assistance of the World Bank & was placed to 3 investors: ..

Dubai venue of 2018 WETEX (Water, Energy, Technology, and Environment Exhibition)

The 2018 WETEX (Water, Energy, Technology, and Environment Exhibition) has started at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai from October 23. It is considered as one of the leading sustainability exhibitions in the Middle East and North ..

UNDP suppports Green Climate Fund (GCF)

On October 21, the UN-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved $43.4 million for enhancing climate resilience for millions of people living in India’s coastal communities in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha as part of its efforts to combat extreme impacts ..

Sikkim wins FAO’s Future Policy Gold Award for 100% organic farming

Sikkim has won the Gold at the 2018 FAO’s Future Policy Award (FPA) for its achievement in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state. All of its farmland is certified organic. At the same time, Sikkim’s approach reaches beyond ..

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops are plants whose DNAs are modified by the genetic engineering methods to develop favorable characteristics. There are large number of debates about the utility, efficacy, advantages and disadvantages of the genetically modified crops. Each side is putting ..

Andhra Pradesh signs pact with Triton Solar Company to set up a solar battery manufacturing plant

The Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) has recently signed pact with Triton Solar Company of the USA to set up a solar battery manufacturing plant in AP under the public-private-partnership (PPP) model. The plant helps in switching over to ..
