Page-4 of Natural sciences

UNESCO officially launches International Year of Period Table of Chemical Elements

On January 29, UNESCO official launched the International Year of the Period Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT-2019) at its headquarters in Paris to raise awareness of chemistry and its applications for sustainable development. The year 2019 also marks the 150th ..

IIT-Hyderabad develops smartphone-based sensor to detect adulteration in milk

The researchers at IIT-Hyderabad have developed a smartphone-based system to detect adulteration in milk. The detector system can measure the level of acidity in milk using an indicator paper. The sensor-chip based method measures pH, which is an indicator of ..

Japanese-born Marine biologist Osamu Shimomura passes away

Japanese-born Marine biologist Osamu Shimomura (90), who won the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry, has passed away in Nagasaki, Japan on 19th October 2018. Shimomura and two American scientists shared the 2008 Nobel prize for the discovery and development of ..

Indian researchers develops a new skin gel “poly-Oxime”

Indian researchers have developed a new skin gel “poly-Oxime” that inhibits the absorption of the most commonly used pesticides such as Organophosphorous compounds, that can cause serious ill effects on health and, in worst cases, result in the death of ..

India signs loan pact with ADB for safe drinking water some districts of West Bengal

On October 3, the Government of India (GoI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed $240 million loan for providing safe and sustainable drinking water to about 1.65 million people in three districts of the state of West Bengal affected ..

Cyclone-30, India’s biggest cyclotron facility becomes operational

India’s biggest cyclotron facility “Cyclone-30” has become operational at the Kolkata-based Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) for treatment of cancer. The facility produces a 30MeV beam that will be used to produce radioisotopes ..

The scientists at INMAS develops India’s first indigenous anti-nuclear medical kit

The scientist at INMAS claim to have developed India’s first indigenous medical kit that may ensure protection from serious injuries and faster healing of wounds resulting from nuclear warfare or radioactive leakage. The medical kit has been developed for the ..

Baryons and Omega C-0 Particles

In March 2017, five new sub-atomic particles were discovered by Large Hadron Collider scientists at CERN. These particles have been collectively called Omega C0 and have been named Oc(3000)0, Oc(3050)0, Oc(3066)0, Oc(3090)0 b Oc(3119)0 as per their masses megaelectronvolts (MeV). ..

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion is a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature. Interaction of hydrogen or deuterium gas with metals such as palladium, Zirconium, Nickel is claimed to set off a nuclear reaction at low temperature releasing energy. In ..

Rydberg Polarons

An international team of physicists have successfully created a giant atom and filled it with ordinary atoms, creating a new state of matter termed Rydberg polarons. The atoms are held together by a weak bond. They are created at very ..