Page-2 of Natural sciences

Beryllium-7identified for predicting monsoon

Lucrezia Terzi, a researcher at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCKCEN), has come up with a new way of predicting the monsoon at a science and technology conference organised in Vienna by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO). The new ..

L 98-59b, L 98-59c and L 98-59d

L 98-59b, L 98-59c and L 98-59d are new planets discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Features of the New Planets While L 98-59b is around 80% Earth’s size, L 98-59c and L 98-59d are around 1.4 and ..

The first iron ore mine of Bangladesh discovered in Dinajpur

For the first time in Bangladesh, iron ore mine has been discovered at Isabpur village in Dinajpur. According to the Geological Survey of Bangladesh, a 400-foot thick iron layer was found 1,750 feet beneath the surface stretched over an area ..

Murray Gell-Mann, Jewish American physicist, passes away

Murray Gell-Mann (89), a Jewish American physicist who theorized the existence of the quark and won a Nobel Prize for his method of classifying particles, has passed away in New Mexico on May 24, 2019. He transformed physics by devising ..

The researchers at Jamia Millia Islamia university develops an ultrasensitive quantum thermometer

The researchers at Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi) have developed an ultrasensitive quantum thermometer using graphene quantum dots. The thermometer can precisely measure a wide range of temperature: 27 degree C to –196 degree C. It has high sensitivity when ..

Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy detects Universe’s first molecule in space

The researchers have finally detected the most ancient type of molecule in our universe in space for the first time ever. They used NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to detect helium hydride in a planetary nebula NGC 7027 ..

Helium hydride ion to be the first molecule detected in space

NASA’s flying observatory SOFIA has detected Helium hydride ion (HeH+), the first molecule that formed almost 14 billion years ago towards a planetary nebulae. It is the first type of molecule that formed in the universe after the Big Bang. ..

Scientists at University of Edinburgh discovers chain-melted state of matter

The scientists at University of Edinburgh have discovered a new state of physical matter – which allows atoms to exist as both solid and liquid at the same time. Until now, atoms in physical matter were understood to exist typically ..

Astronomers capture first ever image of Black Hole

Astronomers have captured the first-ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy known as ‘Messier 87’ (M87), through a network of 8 linked radio telescopes known as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. The black ..

MIT student creates an Algorithm that made first Black hole image

Computer scientist Katie Bouman, who is still a graduate student at MIT has developed the algorithm to create the first image ever of a black hole. Katie has named the algorithm ‘CHIRP’ (Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors) which was ..