Page-48 of NASA

NASA discovers granite on Mars

As per a research team from the US space agency NASA, granite – an igneous rock common on Earth— could be found in abundance on Mars. The research backed by the NASA Mars Data Analysis Program strengthens the evidence for granite ..



NASA launches MAVEN to explore Mars

In a bid to dismantle the ancient mystery of Mar’s radical climate change, US space agency NASA launched robotic explorer MAVEN rocketed toward the red planet. The unmanned spacecraft was launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket from ..



Sun to swap its polarity within weeks: NASA

According to the US space agency NASA, the Sun’s magnetic field will reverse its polarity within weeks. Although the event is normal and not catastrophic, it will send ripple effects throughout the solar system. Why the Sun switches its polarity? The sun swaps ..



P/2013 P5: Newly discovered asteroid with six ‘tails’

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spotted an asteroid with six comet-like tails of dust radiating from it. The asteroid named P/2013 P5 is different from all other known asteroids as it appears similar to a rotating lawn sprinkler and has surprised ..



Laser Space Communication Systems to play instrumental role in future missions: NASA

The US space agency NASA is doing intensive research to develop laser-based space communications systems which will play a major role in ensuring rapid and accurate transmission of information from spacecrafts around the solar system. Since inception of the space missions, NASA ..



Kepler 78b: Newly discovered planet

Astronomers have discovered a new planet called Kepler 78b which has a similar mass and density to that of Earth. The planet revolves around a star 400 light years away. It is composed mostly of rock and iron, very similar ..



ISRO conducts successful test run of Mars Orbiter Mission

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) performed a glitch free rehearsal of India’s first mission to the Red Planet designated the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) at Sriharikota centre. The MOM is scheduled for launch at 2.38pm on November 5, 2013. ..



First known tilted planetary system discovered by NASA

The US space agency NASA’s Kepler space telescope discovered the first known tilted planetary system in the Space which is angled 45 degrees to the line of sight from Earth. The planetary system features two inner planets and one outer ..

