Page-38 of NASA

Indian American among 12 new Astronauts Selected by NASA

NASA has selected 12 new astronauts including an Indian-American, Lt Col Raja “Grinder” Chari, from 18000 applications, Lt Col Raja Grinder Chari, 39, is a commander of the 461st Flight Test Squadron as well as the director of the F-35 Integrated Test Force ..


NASA to launch Sounding Rocket to release Radiant Artificial Clouds

NASA will launch the Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket into the space that will release blue-green and red artificial clouds. The launch is expected to support space studies. The launch which was originally scheduled for May 31 eventually got delayed due to poor weather conditions. ..


NASA is all Set to Launch First Ever Mission to Study Neutron Stars

NASA is all set to launch the world’s first ever mission devoted for studying neutron stars. NASA will  launch the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, or NICER, aboard a Falcon 9 rocket. The NICER will be installed aboard the International Space ..


NASA's Parker Solar Probe to Explore Sun's Atmosphere

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe will be launched in the summer of 2018 to explore the sun’s atmosphere. The purpose of the launch will be to study sun’s outer atmosphere and to understand how sun works. The name of the probe initially called the Solar Probe Plus has ..


NASA's Juno Spacecraft Discovers Earth-Sized Storms on Jupiter

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has discovered Earth-sized cyclones at the poles of the Jupiter. It has also unveiled the presence of the storm systems that travel deep into the heart of the planet. Both the poles of the Jupiter were found to be ..


NASA Names New Species After Abdul Kalam

NASA has named a new bacteria discovered on the filters of the International Space Station, ISS, as Solibacillus kalamii to honour the late president Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.  The genus is Solibacillus and the species name is kalamii. Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has found ..


NASA detects Signs of Water in a distant Neptune Sized Planet

Scientists have detected “a strong water signature” in the atmosphere of a distant Neptune-sized planet called HAT-P-26b. The study conducted using NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes has showed that  HAT-P-26b has a primitive atmosphere composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Although the ..


NASA’s Cassini spacecraft successfully travels between Saturn and its rings

Recently, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft completed its final close flyby of Saturn’s moon Titan and has now started its final set of 22 orbits before plunging into Saturn on September 15, 2017, and thus completing its 20-year long journey. Already, Cassini ..
