Page-8 of Mumbai
Traffic Index 2018
The Traffic Index 2018, published by TomTom, a company offering traffic solutions, has ranked 403 cities across 56 countries. The index is based on the amount of time drivers spend on the road, and it factors in peak hours, accidents, ..
Mumbai most congested city in world
The TomTom Traffic Index 2018, carried out by location technology specialist TomTom, covered 403 cities in 56 countries and defined congestion as the extra time added to road travel when traffic doesn’t flow freely. Mumbai topped the list of cities ..
Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Vigraha decommissioned
The Indian Coast Guard ship (ICGS) Vigraha was decommissioned at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The decommissioning ceremony was attended by eight former Commanding Officers who had been at the helm of the ship, along with former and the present crew. About ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2019
ICGS Vigraha Decommissioned
Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Vigraha was decommissioned after the 29 glorious years of service from 1990 to 2019. ICGS Vigraha ICGS Vigraha, a frontline offshore patrol vessel commissioned on April 12, 1990. It was the seventh offshore patrol vessel ..
StartupBlink Ranking of Countries for Startup Environment
StartupBlink has ranked 100 countries for startup environment of countries globally. The rankings were based on the data from over 61,000 startups, more than 500 accelerators, and over 1,400 coworking spaces registered on its platform along with data gathered from ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2019
Global Startup Ecosystem: India Ranks 17th
India has been ranked 17th position among 100 countries in Startup Ecosystem Ranking for 2019 released by StartupBlink. It was ranked 37th spot last year. The report ranks countries based on the strength of its startup ecosystem. United States ranked ..
Indian Teams Win Awards at NASA Annual Rover Challenge
Three teams from India have won awards at the NASA’s annual Human Exploration Rover Challenge which invites high school and college students to build and test roving vehicles for future missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Indian Teams Awarded ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2019
India’s first foreign interactive and exotic world park comes up in Mumbai
In Mumbai, EsselWorld launched India’s first foreign interactive and exotic world park at the Essel World Bird Park in Gorai. The rain forest themed park is spread across 1.5 acres and is home to over 500 birds belonging to 60 ..
Essel World launched an interactive bird park in Gorai
Essel World has unveiled an first of its kind interactive bird park in Gorai, Mumbai, Maharashtra. This rainforest themed park is spread across 1.4 acres is home to over 500 exotic birds from more than 60 species. The main motive ..
RailTel turns 1600 railway stations into RailWire Wi-Fi zone
RailWire Wi-Fi by RailTel is now live at 1600 railway stations across the country. The Santacruz railway station in Mumbai became the 1600th station to become a RailWire Wi-Fi zone. RailWire RailWire is a retail Broadband initiative of the RailTel. ..