Page-2 of Methane
Atmospheric Methane
A new estimate from USA’s NOAA showed that the level of methane in the atmosphere in 2019 was the highest since record keeping began. Methane Methane is a gaseous compound and the simplest form of hydrocarbon class called alkane. It ..
Coal Bed Methane
The Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas recently discussed the policies regarding coal bed methane in the Rajya Sabha. Coal Bed Methane Coal Bed Methane or Coal Seam Gas refers to methane gas that is adsorbed onto coal seams ..
Facts Box: Methanotrophic Bacteria Culture first time in India
The Agharkar Research Institute of Pune has isolated 45 strains of methanotrophic bacteria. These bacteria are capable of reducing methane emissions in rice plants. Highlights Apart from isolating the strains, the scientists have also created methanotrophic culture. The isolated bacteria ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2020
IIT-KGP develops Hydro Thermal Carbonization technology for Waste Management
IIT-KGP (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur) researchers develop new technology- Hydro Thermal Carbonization (HTC) for solid waste management. This Hydro Thermal Carbonization Technology can convert municipal solid waste to biofuel, soil amendment and absorbents. About Hydro Thermal Carbonization (HTC) Need: ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2019
Did high methane level indicate life on Mars?
The discovery of high amounts of methane in the air on Mars lead to excitement as it was seen as an indication of life on the Red Planet, or beneath its surface. But the follow-up trials by NASA reported that ..
Life on Mars
NASA s Curiosity rover has discovered startlingly high amounts of methane in the Martian air. This is significant for the fact that methane gas is usually produced by living things on the Earth. Now the NASA sent new instructions to ..
Methane surge spotted in the red planet
The European spacecraft, Mars Express orbiter has confirmed the presence of Methane gas in Mars. Methane being released in the red planet was first found by the NASA’s Curiosity Rover. It measured the presence of Methane on 15 June 2013. ..
Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) to be set up
The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal for the establishment of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) for conservation, protection and development of cows and their progeny. It will lead to the development of the cattle population in the country including the ..