GJ 367b: Astronomers discover Ultra Short Planet
The astronomers recently found GJ 367b, a small planet that is circling a dim red dwarf star. The star is 31 light years away from the sun. About GJ 367b The GJ 367b is a rocky planet. It is 70% ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2021
Bepi Colombo Spacecraft reaches Mercury in its journey towards Venus
The BepiColombo Space Craft was launched jointly by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and European Space Agency to planet Mercury. The space craft has now crossed Venus on its way to Mercury. Highlights The mission BepiColombo consists of two satellites launched ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Superconductivity at Room Temperature
Researchers from Indian Institute of Science (IISc)-Bangalore have reported observing superconductivity at room temperature, in a new composite material made of gold and silver. Superconductivity Superconductivity is defined as a phenomenon in which the electrical resistivity suddenly drops to zero ..
BepiColombo completes its near Earth commissioning phase
The ESA (European Space Agency) and JAXA’s (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) BepiColombo mission has successfully completed a series of test. It has completed its near-Earth commissioning phase and is now ready for the operations that will take place during the ..
Insight Mars lander detects likely Marsquake
National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) InSight lander spacecraft has detected what’s believed to be a “marsquake” on the Red Planet. NASA scientists are still working to confirm the source of the faint trembling. Scientists believe the trembling may not ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2019
BepiColombo Ready for Long Cruise to Mercury
The European Space Agency (ESA) – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)’s BepiColombo mission has successfully completed a series of tests and has completed its near-Earth commissioning phase. The BepiColombo mission is now ready for the operations that will take place ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2019
NASA reveals that Mercury a massive solid inner core
Scientists have long been known that Mercury and the Earth have metallic cores. Like Earth, Mercury’s outer core is composed of liquid metal, but there have only been hints that Mercury’s innermost core is solid. Now, in a new study, ..
Liquid methane spotted on Titan moon of Saturn
Using data obtained by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, scientists have found that Saturn’s largest moon Titan has small liquid lakes that run more than 100 metres deep, perched atop hills and filled with methane. What are the Findings? The findings published ..