Page-6 of Medicine

Hemant Pandey develops a herbal drug to treat leucoderma

Hemant Pandey, a senior DRDO scientist, has developed a herbal drug – Lukoskin – to treat leucoderma, a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. The auto-immune condition, also called ‘vitiligo’, can be life-altering. Vitiligo is neither contagious ..

2019 edition of World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD)

The World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD) is observed every year on 19th of June to raise public awareness about the sickle cell disease and its treatment methods. Sickle cell disease is an inherited form of anaemia in which red blood ..

India’s first water clinic for elephants opened in Mathura

India has opened its first specialised hydrotherapy treatment center (water clinic) for elephants suffering from arthritis, joint pain and foot ailments on the banks of the Yamuna in Mathura. It is opened near the Wildlife SOS’ Elephant Conservation and Care ..

Draft Education Policy Unveiled

The Ministry of Human Resource and Development has unveiled the draft education policy. Features of the Draft Policy A complete restructuring of higher education by reintroducing the four-year programme in Liberal Arts Science Education (LASE) with multiple exit options. Even ..

WHO unveiled a new strategy to tackle global snakebite “Emergency”

The World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled a new strategy to dramatically cut deaths and injuries from snakebites, and also warned a lack of anti-venoms could soon spark a “public health emergency”. Each year, nearly three million people are bitten ..

2019 edition of World AIDS Vaccine Day (WAVD)

The World AIDS Vaccine Day (WAVD) is observed every year on 18th May to spread awareness about the urgent need for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection and AIDS. The day is also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. It ..

Researchers at University of British Columbia develops a specialized microscope that can diagnose skin cancer & perform surgeries

The researchers at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada have developed a specialized microscope that has the potential to diagnose diseases like skin cancer as well as perform precise surgery without making any incisions in the skin. According to ..

HDFC ERGO launches Mosquito Disease Protection Policy

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company has recently launched the ‘Mosquito Disease Protection Policy’. This new policy will cover an individual against common mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue Fever, Malaria, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala-azar, Lymphatic Filariasis and Zika Virus. According to the ..

2019 World Asthma Day (WAD)

The World Asthma Day (WAD) is celebrated every year on first Tuesday of May to increase awareness about asthma and aims to improve the lives of people with asthma across the world. Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs ..

2019 World Immunization Week (WIW)

The 2019 World Immunization Week (WIW) is a global public health campaign i.e. celebrated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from April 24 to 30 with theme “Protected Together: Vaccines Work!”. The week highlights the urgent need for immunisation against ..