Page-7 of Mars
NASA Curiosity rover touches Mars
A robot rover “Curiosity” launched by US space agency NASA successfully landed on Mars. The rover landed on Aeolis Palus in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012. What is Curiosity? · It is a robot rover which is currently exploring ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2012
ISRO proposes to undertake Mars Mission in October-November, 2013
The ISRO has proposed to undertake a Mars Orbiter Mission in October-November, 2013. It will be India’s first step towards exploring the planet Mars. The proposal is currently under examination for government approval. The Mars spacecraft will be placed in ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2012
An isolation experiment in Russia simulated a 520-day human mission to Mars. Six volunteers were locked away in windowless cells in June 2010. The $15-million Mars500 experiment, which ended on Nov. 4, was the first full-duration simulation of a human ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2012
MSL Mission and Curiosity Rover
Recently NASA has launched the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) with the aim to land and operate a rover named Curiosity on the surface of Mars. Curiosity rover is scheduled to land on Mars at Gale Crater on August 6, 2012. ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2012
Current Affairs : November 24, 2011
Shoes thrown at others, Pawar first to be assaulted Hitherto, prominent personalities have had footwear thrown at them but without contact being made. Union Agriculture Minister is the first dignitary to be assaulted. Pawar was slapped by a turbaned Sikh ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2011
Presence of Salty Water on Mars
Recently, the high-resolution photographs taken by Nasa’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (Landed Mars in 2006) show fingerlike streaks up to five yards wide that appear on some steep slopes in the planet’s late spring. The observations show that these streaks grow ..