Page-6 of malnutrition

India ranked 103rd among in 2018 Global Hunger Index

India has been ranked 103rd among 119 countries in the 2018 Global Hunger Index (GHI). The 2018 GHI report was prepared jointly by global NGOs namely – Concern Worldwide (Ireland) and Welthungerhilfe (Germany). The index indicates that the level of ..

National Nutrition Month being celebrated to mark fight against malnutrition

The National Nutrition Month (Rashtriya Poshan Maah) is being celebrated across the country in September 2018 to mark fight against malnutrition. Union Ministry of Women and Child Development are spearheading various programmes during this month to spread broad awareness on ..


Government of India to observe September as National Nutrition Month

The Government of India (GoI) will observe September as National Nutrition Month (NNM) across the country to mark the fight against malnutrition. During this month, various programmes have been organized by the Women and Child Development (WCD) Ministry to spread ..

Gujarat government launches ‘Poshan Abhiyan’ to eradicate malnutrition

On July 4, the Gujarat government launched a statewide mission ‘Poshan Abhiyan’ to eradicate malnutrition among children by providing them nutritious food through Anganwadi centres. The state government has also launched ‘Purna’ project to eliminate malnutrition among girls in the ..

Lawrence Haddad and David Nabarro win World Food Prize 2018

The 2018 World Food Prize will be awarded to two men who have dedicated their careers to improving the availability of nutritious food for pregnant women and children in an effort to reduce the effects of malnutrition in developing countries. ..

India ranked 113th in “End of Childhood Index 2018”

India has been ranked 113th among 175 countries in the “End of Childhood Index 2018”, issued by global child rights group “Save the Children”. The Index which is part of the report titled “The Many Faces of Exclusion” indicated that ..

Millets and India’s Twin Nutrient Disorder

India has a twin nutrient disorder. First it is fighting hunger. India stands at 100/119 countries in the global hunger index. On the other hand India also faces the challenge of obesity and hidden hunger. This twin challenge needs to ..

Global Nutrition Report, 2017

GNR 2017 is a peer-reviewed, independently produced annual publication on the state of the world’s nutrition. The first series was published in 2014 and latest edition was published in November, 2017. Major Highlights Almost every country in the world now ..

Zero Hunger Programme

On occasion of World Food Day (October 16), India’s ambitious Zero Hunger Programme through interventions in farm sector launched with focus on agriculture, nutrition and health in a symbiotic manner was launched. The programme consists of organisations of farming system ..

RUTF: Ready to Use Therapeutic Food

RUTF is one of the measures to combat micronutrient malnutrition. RUTF is also referred as energy dense nutritious food (EDNF). It is a medical intervention to improve the nutrition intake of children suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). It is ..