Page-3 of malnutrition

World Pulses Day observed on 10 February

In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly announced 10 February as the World Pulses Day. This was followed by the celebration of the year 2016 as the International Year of Pulses (IYP), across the world, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization. ..

NITI Aayog: Plans to include eggs, chicken and fish in PDS supply

The GoI think tank Niti Aayog on December 18, 2019, announced that it is considering options to include fish, chicken and eggs in the PDS (Public Distribution System). The move is expected to be included in Niti Aayog’s 15-year Vision ..


Chenchu tribe children suffer from malnutrition

Children belonging to Chenchu tribe in the district suffer from malnutrition owing to lack of proper diet. The tribe is deprived of basic amenities such as clothing and medical facilities too.  Chenchu tribal families are living in Nagayalanka, Avanigadda, Pedana, ..

Smriti Zubin Irani launches Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh

On 18 Nov, Union Minister of Women and Child Development (WCD) and Textiles, Smriti Zubin Irani, along with Bill Gates, co-chair of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK) today in New Delhi. The BPKK ..

Smriti Zubin Irani to announce Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh

The Union Minister of Women and Child Development (WCD) and Textiles, Smriti Zubin Irani, will announce Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK) on 18th November in New Delhi. The BPKK will be a repository of diverse crops across 128 agro-climatic zones in ..

LANCET Report on Health and Climate Change, 2019

On November 13, 2019, the Lancet journal published report on “Health and Climate Change, 2019.” The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is a comprehensive yearly analysis that tracks the progress across 41 indicators. The project is a collaboration ..


Climate change is damaging health of children: Lancet report

According to the new report published in the Lancet, scientists and health experts warn that children across the world will suffer from infectious diseases, malnutrition and air pollution worsened by climate change. ‘The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change ..

WFP launches campaign ‘Feed Our Future’ against hunger and malnutrition in India

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched its cinema ad campaign ‘Feed Our Future’ against hunger and malnutrition in India. It has been launched by WFP in collaboration with UFO Moviez – India’s largest in-cinema advertising platform and SAWA ..


India ranked 102nd out of 117 nations at 2019 Global Hunger Index

India ranked 102nd at the 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) that tracks hunger and malnutrition. The GHI is a peer-reviewed annual report, which is jointly published by Ireland’s Concern Worldwide and Germany’s Welthungerhilfe. It scores countries on a 100-point “severity ..

UNICEF: The State of World’s Children Report

The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund-UNICEF provides emergency and healthcare to children and mothers in countries that were devastated by world war II. The organization releases “The State of the World’s Children Report” annually. The report stated that despite of ..
