
FAO Food Price Index – January 2023

The Food Price Index tells the “monthly” price changes in world food prices. In January 2023, the World Food Price Index was 131.2. This is 0.8% less as compared to that of the food prices in December 2022. The major ..



Third Advance Estimates for Production of Major Crops 2021-22

The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has released the third advance estimate of the production of major agricultural crops for 2021-22. What do the advance estimates say? The food grains production in the country has been estimated at ..



Telangana Crop Diversification Index

Telangana is the first state in the country to record its crop diversification patterns in the form of an index. About the crop diversification index The crop diversification index has a base value of one, which represents the percentage of ..



IARI Research on Resilient Crops

Scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), in collaboration with several other research institutions, have identified about 15,000 selected germplasms of rice and wheat for developing varieties that are tolerant to floods, droughts, heatwaves, and diseases to mitigate the ..



Kharif Food Grain Production to touch 150.50 mn tonne in 2021

According to Agriculture Ministry, India’s food grain production is expected to touch a record of 150.50 million tonne in the Kharif season of 2021 with a better rice output. Highlights In the Kharif season of 2020-21 crop year, food grain ..


Jal Hi Jeevan Scheme of Haryana

The government of Haryana has launched the scheme Jal Hi Jeevan to replace the paddy crop with that of Maize and other crops to aid in water conservation through crop diversification. The scheme aims to address the depleting water table ..

Haryana to Discourage Paddy Cropping

The government of Haryana has decided to discourage paddy crop sowing as the State was staring at a water crisis due to depleting groundwater level. About the Initiative A pilot project will be launched in Yamunanagar, Ambala, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, ..

Advance Estimates of Production of Major Crops for 2018-19

The second advance estimates for the production of most of the crops for the agricultural year 2018-19 been released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare. Data on Production of Food Crops Foodgrains  –  281.37 million tonnes. Rice  –  115.60  ..


The team of scientists identified regions in wheat genome responsible for density of Zinc in wheat grain

The scientists have recently identified regions in the wheat genome responsible for concentration of zinc in wheat grain. They have also identified candidate genes involved in zinc concentration in wheat. The findings can potentially help in developing wheat varieties with ..

“Fall Armyworm” spotted in Telangana

The deadly agricultural insect-pest “Fall Armyworm (FAW)” has been recently spotted at a few places in the districts of Karimnagar, Kamareddy, Sangareddy, Medak and Gadwal in Telangana. It is known to attack and destroy several varieties of crops, but it ..
