Page-5 of Mahatma Gandhi

Paro Anand authors book “Being Gandhi”

The book titled “Being Gandhi” has been authored by award-winning author Paro Anand. This new book will mark the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi by looking beyond the leader and his politics and into his way of life.  It explores “not ..

The first-ever World Youth Conference for Kindness held New Delhi

The first-ever World Youth Conference for Kindness has been inaugurated by President Ram Nath Kovind at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi. It organized by the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP). The theme of ..

Tridip Suhrud translates book “the Diary of Manu Gandhi (1943-44)”

Union Culture and Tourism Minister Prahlad Singh Patel has recently launched the book titled – “the Diary of Manu Gandhi (1943-44)” at a function in New Delhi. The book has been brought out by National Archives of India (NAI) in ..

1st World Youth Conference on Kindness held in New Delhi

The first World Youth Conference for Kindness was recently held in New Delhi. It was inaugurated by President Ram Nath Kovind. It was organised by UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP). About Conference It ..


‘The Diary of Manu Gandhi’ Book launched in New Delhi

The book ‘The Diary of Manu Gandhi’ (1943-44), edited and translated by Tridip Suhrud, was launched by Prahlad Singh Patel, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Culture and Tourism, at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in New Delhi. The ..

Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2019

India has launched the nation’s largest rural sanitation survey to ensure and ascertain if India’s goal to meet the Open defecation Free target is being achieved by October 2, 2019. October 2 is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the father ..

Alejandro Giammattei elected as new President of Guatemala

Alejandro Giammattei has become the newly elected President of Guatemala, after winning the second round of the 2019 presidential election.He tried 3 times previously to become president before succeeding on his 4th attempt. He campaigned on a promise to fight ..

8 August: India observes 77th anniversary of Quit India movement

Every year 8 August is celebrated in India as August Kranti Din, in which tribute is paid to revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives in freedom struggle against rule. Also teachings given by Father of the Nation (Bapu), Mahatma Gandhi are ..


Delhi government launchs a project titled ‘Oral History Programme’

The Delhi government has launched a project titled ‘Oral History Programme’ that seeks to record oral histories of the city as told by its senior citizens. The project is an attempt to democratise knowledge by recording stories told by hundred ..

Hundred and Fifty years of Mahatma Gandhi theme of Indian Pavilion at 58th Venice Biennale 2019

After 8 years, India will once again mark its presence at the art world’s oldest Biennale in Venice, Italy that begins on 11th May 2019. The overarching theme at the 58th Venice Biennale 2019 is ‘Our Time for a Future ..