Page-14 of Mahatma Gandhi

Current Affairs: October 3, 2011

New rules of UK Govt restrain immigrants from gaining permanent UK citizenship New rules planned by UK Govt in order to curb immigrants’ rights to settle down permanently in the UK The move probable to unfavorably affect Indians in the ..


Current Affairs : October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011: Nation pays homage to Mahatma Gandhi Nation paid homage to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 142nd birth anniversary   October 2, 2011: The nation also remembers Lal Bahadur Shastri Nation paid homage to the ..


Current Affairs : August 10, 2011

P.C.Alexander passed away Padinjarethalakal Cherian Alexander, a former IAS officer Served in Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s staff P.C. Alexander was at different times Principal Secretary to two Prime Ministers- Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, Indian High Commissioner in the United ..


Archive : Current News Summaries & Articles

From July 2010 Onwards, Updates have been included in our One Year Email Programme June 2010 Q+A: Global Peace Index 2010 Mad Cow Disease : India is among safest countries Smriti Manjusha – The Time Capsule of Gujarat Technical Advisory ..



History Compendium-3

First Modern OlympicsThe 1896 Summer Olympics are known as the Games of the I Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in Athens, Greece, from April 6 to April 15, 1896. It was the first Olympic Games held ..