Machine learning

IISc Develops STring Representation Of Nanopore Geometry(STRONG)

Recent advancements in nanopore research have emerged from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). Researchers have developed a novel language called STRONG, which describes nanopore shapes and structures using a sequence of characters. The publication appeared in the Journal of ..



Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that enables computer systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Supervised learning is one of the most commonly used approaches in machine learning, where a model is ..

US-EU AI Agreement

To increase the use of Artificial Intelligence in health care, agriculture, emergency response, electric grid, and weather forecasting, the United States and the European Union signed an agreement. The agreement will aid the government increase the use of Artificial Intelligence ..



Project Vaani

Project Vaani will be implemented jointly by the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), ARTPARK (AI and Robotics Technology Park), and Google to gather speech data from across India for the creation of an AI-based language model that can understand diverse ..



What is ChatGPT?

OpenAI has unveiled a chatbot called ChatGPT that is available for public testing for free. About ChatGPT ChatGPT is a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence that can be used to ask queries. This chatbot is designed in such a way ..



Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022

The World Economic Forum recently published the Global Cyber security Outlook 2022. Key Findings In 2021, the ransom ware attacks have increased by 151%. Each organization faced 270 cyber-attacks on an average. A successful organization that breached cyber-attacks spent 3.6 ..



AI ‘Ramanujan Machine’- Can find Hidden Patterns in Numbers

A new artificially intelligent “mathematician” which is called as the “Ramanujan Machine” have the potential to reveal the hidden relationships between numbers. Key Facts Ramanujan machine comprises of the algorithms that seek out the mathematical conclusions. These mathematical conclusions are ..


Satellite images for Elephant Survey

Recently, the researchers from the University of Oxford Wildlife Conservation Research Unit and Machine Learning Research Group have detected the elephants in South Africa using the Artificial Intelligence from space. This survey is being claimed as more accurate as compared ..


Ministry of MSME launches “Champions Portal”

On May 12, 2020, the Ministry of MSME (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) launches Champions Portal. The portal acts as a technology driven control room cum management information system. Highlights The portal aims at creating modern ICT tools to assist ..


TIFAC to come up with COVID-19 revival strategy

A team of scientists from Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) is to prepare a revival strategy to help in the growth of Indian Economy post COVID-19 lock down. Highlights The strategy is to strengthen Make in India initiative, ..
