Page-2 of Luxembourg

India ranked 51st in 2017 IMD World Talent Ranking

India has been ranked 51st globally in terms of ability to attract, develop and retain talent while Switzerland topped the list compiled by leading global business school IMD. The annual IMD World Talent Ranking covered 63 countries and assessed the ..

Sylvie Lucas appointed as Chair of IGN of UNSC Reforms

Luxembourg envoy to the United Nations (UN) Sylvie Lucas has been appointed as the next chair of the Inter-Governmental Negotiations (IGN) of UN Security Council Reforms. She was appointed by 70th UN General Assembly session President Morgens Lykketoft and replaced ..


OECD introduces ‘single global standard’ for automatic exchange of financial info

Taking a significant step towards combating the black money menace, the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) unveiled ‘single global standard’ for automatic exchange of financial account information between jurisdictions. To enable automatic exchange of financial account information ..



Ukraine crisis: NATO suspends civilian and military co-operation with Russia

Following Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region, NATO suspended all practical civilian and military co-operation with Russia.  Russia’s annexation is being considered as a threat to European security. The 28-member NATO bloc gathered in Brussels (Belgium) for their first meeting since Russia’s ..



Belgium became second country to allow Mercy Killing for children

The Catholic country, Belgium became the first country to allow euthanasia for terminally ill children of any age. This action of legalizing death for the children came 12 years after the country legalized euthanasia for adults. The Parliament of Belgium ..



India ranked 155th on Yale's Environmental Performance Index (EPI)

India ranked 155th out of 178 countries with an index score of 31.23 points, in its efforts to address environmental challenges, in the 2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) issued by Yale University. Regardless of an improvement in overall performance, India ranks ..



Lativa becomes the 18th state to join the Eurozone

The Baltic nation, Latvia joined the Euro Zone, with the expectation that the euro will lower its borrowing costs and encourage investors by eliminating currency risk. It became the 18th member of the European Union, which uses the Euro as ..



Jordan gets UNSC seat as its non-permanent member

Jordan has been elected as a non-permanent member of United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Jordan has replaced Saudi Arabia which was recently elected for the position but rejected the seat in protest at the UN council’s failure to end the war ..

