Page-47 of Lok Sabha

Land Acquisition Bill passed in Lok Sabha

The Lok Sabha passed the long-awaited Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill which seeks to replace the archaic land acquisition law dating back to 1894.  The government cleared the air on the reservations from some States against some provisions in ..


Survey to study voter behavior in LS elections in Tamil Nadu

The Election Commission of India will conduct KABP (Knowledge, Attitude, Behaviour and Practice of Voters) Baseline Survey in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in all the 39 Lok Sabha constituencies of Tamil Nadu. The survey which will be conducted by ..



JPC to probe chopper deal

The government moved a motion in the Rajya Sabha which was adopted by voice vote – for the formation of a JPC (Joint Parliamentary Committee) to probe the chopper deal. Objective: JPC to enquire into the allegations of payment of ..



Lok Sabha approves Constitution (118th Amendment) Bill, 2012

Lok Sabha approved the Constitution (118th Amendment) Bill, 2012 which seeks to provide special status to six backward districts in the Hyderabad Karnataka region, with provision for reservation in education and jobs for local people. The Bill introduces a new Article 371-J ..



Banking bill approved in Lok Sabha

Lok Sabha passed the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill 2011, paving way for foreign investments in the sector and establishment of new private banks and also to achieve greater financial inclusion. The Bill does not contain controversial clauses of allowing banks ..


Lok Sabha approves Companies Bill, 2011

Lok Sabha cleared Companies Bill, 2011. As per the new legislation: It will be compulsory for companies with Rs. 5 crore or more profits in last three years to spend 2% of their average net profit towards Corporate Social Responsibility. ..



Government approves amendments to Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill

The Union government approved amendments to the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill which had already been passed in the Lok Sabha and was pending in the Rajya Sabha. Some changes have been made to make the bill fit to Article ..



Union Cabinet approves the Land Acquisition Bill

Union Cabinet cleared the controversial Land Acquisition Bill which makes it mandatory to get the consent of 80% of people whose land is taken for private projects. In the case of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, consent of 70 % of ..



Lok Sabha approves Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2011

Lok Sabha approved Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2011 which seeks to change the system of debt recovery. The Bill seeks to convert any part of debt of a defaulting company into shares by ..


FDI in retail passed in the Rajya Sabha also

The UPA government secured a second victory as FDI in retail was passed in the Rajya Sabha. It had already won vote in Lok Sabha. As seen by the government, this win will give fillip to implement economic reform agenda ..

