Page-2 of LIGO

2017 Nobel Prize in physics goes to the discovery of Gravitational Waves

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has selected three American scientists Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. They were selected for their decisive contributions to the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational ..


Scientists detect Gravitational waves for fourth time

Scientists have successfully detected gravitational waves for fourth time coming from merger of two massive black holes. It was for first time, these waves were simultaneously detected by US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and Italy-based Virgo detectors. The first ..


India and Global Science Projects

One of the novel visions of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, 2013 is to make India one of the top five global scientific powers by 2020. Apart from promoting the home based science and engineering projects, this policy has ..