labour market

Global Labour Resilience Index 2023

The White Shield is a policy advisory firm. The company released the Global Labour Resilience Index during World Government Summit. The index measures the capacity of the economy to withstand employment fluctuations and the ability to fight back. The index ..



United Nations releases World Economic Situation and Prospects Report, 2020

The United Nations recently released the World Economic Situation and Prospects Report, 2020. According to the report, the world economy is to shrink by 3.2% in 2020. The GDP growth in developed countries will decline to -0.5% in 2020. Highlights: ..


GoI completes integrating Cold Chain Projects

On May 5, 2020, the Ministry of Food Processing held video conference to discuss about the completion of the integration of cold projects in the country. The promoters of the project were the main participants of the conference. Highlights Over ..


TIFAC to come up with COVID-19 revival strategy

A team of scientists from Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) is to prepare a revival strategy to help in the growth of Indian Economy post COVID-19 lock down. Highlights The strategy is to strengthen Make in India initiative, ..


GoI: 20 Control rooms set up to address wage-related issues

The Ministry of Labour has set up 20 control rooms to address wage related issues. They can be accessed by the workers through phone numbers, emails and WhatsApp. Highlights The Ministry of Labour has set up helpline for workers mainly ..


Facts Box: ILO’s Labour Report, 2020

The International Labour Organization released its “The World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2020” (WESO) report. The report stated that the global unemployment has been stable for the last nine years. However, slowing economic growth means that for the increasing ..


India joins Reskilling Revolution Initiative at World Economic Forum as a Founding Member

On January 22, 2020, India joined Reskilling Revolution initiative of World Economic Forum. It helps economies to adopt o changes being introduced by Fourth Industrial Revolution. Highlights India joined the Reskilling Revolution Initiative launched at the World Economic Forum as ..


UN report on Global Unemployment released

The United Nations specialized agency International Labour Organization in its report has mentioned that Global Unemployment is projected to rise by 2.5 million in 2020. The report also mentions that about 165 million people will not have enough paid work ..


Global Social Mobility Index launched at World Economic Forum: India ranks 76th

On January 20, 2020, the World Economic Forum released the Social Mobility Index. The index measures social mobility of the population world wide. What is Social Mobility? Social Mobility is the upward or downward movement of an individual in personal ..


MoSPI: Unemployment rates fall in second quarter

The National Statistics Office working under Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation released its Quarterly Bulletin on November 23, 2019. The report presented the unemployment status, Labor Force Participation Rate, The urban unemployment rate fell to the lowest in the ..
