Page-2 of Judiciary in India
Indian judiciary : Landmark Judgements of 2014
2014 was an eventful year for Indian judiciary as it passed some landmark judgments which will go a long way in the Indian judicature. Coal Block Cancellation The SC cancelled 200 coal-blocks which had been allotted since 1993 after setting ..
India has biggest battlefield for IPR
A US lawmaker recently accused India of undermining intellectual property rights (IPR) of US pharma companies and of “rampant piracy and counterfeiting” by generic companies. These remarks were made in front of US Chamber of Commerce which released a report ..
National Judicial Appointments Commission
The National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) was established by the Union government of India by amending the constitution of India through the 99th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2014. The amendment act was passed by both the houses of Parliament with two-thirds ..
Lok Adalat
Lok Adalats (people’s courts) settle dispute through conciliation and compromise. The First Lok Adalat was held in Gujarat in 1982. Lok Adalat accepts the cases pending in the regular courts within their jurisdiction which could be settled by conciliation and ..
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in India
ADR or “Alternative Dispute Resolution” is an attempt to devise machinery which should be capable of providing an alternative to the conventional methods of resolving disputes. ADR offers to resolve matters of litigants, whether in business causes or otherwise, who ..
Making a Case for All India Judicial Services
The concept of a centralized All India Judicial Service first originated in 1958 from the Law Commission’s report on reforms in judicial administration. The report discussed ideas like conducting a common competitive exam for selections, ensuring standardised salaries and service ..