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National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings have been released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The rankings list the best institutions and universities of India. The NIRF ranking framework instituted in 2016 evaluates institutions on five broad generic groups ..


Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies in India (CEEUSI) inaugurated in JNU

On March 8, the European Union and the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) inaugurated the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies in India at the varsity. The Centre of Excellence for European Union Studies in India (CEEUSI) at ..

South Asian Nitrogen Hub

The British government has announced a research project, South Asian Nitrogen Hub to study nitrogen pollution in India and South Asia. The project led by UK’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology will partner with 50 organisations from the UK and South ..


Vinod Kumar Jain appointed as new Vice Chancellor of Tezpur University

Vinod Kumar Jain, the former Professor of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), has been appointed as the new Vice Chancellor of the Tezpur University. He will serve as the vice-chancellor for a period of five years from the date he ..

Gopal Guru appointed as Editor of Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)

Political scientist Gopal Guru has been appointed as the Editor of the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) by the Sameeksha Trust for a period of five years. Urrently, Professor Guru teaches Political Science at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in ..