Page-19 of Japan
India becomes World No.2 LPG importer
India has become world’s second largest LPG importer, a position that was previously occupied by Japan. China remains as the world’s top importer. According to Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell, LPG imports in the country has increased 23% during the ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2017
Belle-II detector system integrated with powerful SuperKEKB accelerator
The High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) completed the ‘rolling-in’ of the Belle-II experiment in Tsukuba, Japan. With this, it moves a step forward by integrating particle detector with powerful accelerator. The term roll-in refers to the operation of moving ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2017
Japan officially recognises Bitcoin as currency
Japan has officially recognized bitcoin and digital currencies as legal money along the lines of other fiat currencies with effect from April 1, 2017. The recognition comes after implementation of a new law amending Banking Act in Japan for legalizing ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2017
Scientists develop terahertz transmitter capable of sending data 10 times faster than 5G
Scientists from Japan have developed terahertz (THz) transmitter technology, a next generation system which can transmit digital data over 10 times faster than 5G mobile networks. It will pave transmitting digital data at a rate exceeding 100 gigabits per second ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2017
Japan successfully launches first military communications satellite
Japan has successfully launched its first military communications satellite Kirameki-2 (kee-RAH-meh-kee 2) satellite. It was launched on board of H-2A rocket that lifted off from the Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan. The satellite separated from the rocket and entered ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2017
CBDT inks Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreement
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into a Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreement (BAPA) on the with Indian subsidiary of a Japanese trading company. Earlier, CBDT also had modified an existing Bilateral APA with another Indian subsidiary of ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2017
Japan successfully launches solid fuel rocket
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has successfully launched a solid fuel rocket named Epsilon-2 from the Uchinoura Space Center in southern Japan. The 26-metre-long rocket released Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) satellite for studying radiation belts around ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2016
Japan approves biggest defence budget
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet approved approved 5.13 trillion yen ($43.6 billion) in defence spending for the fiscal year starting in April 2017. It is Japan’s highest annual defence budget announced so far. It is up by 1.4% from the ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2016
Japan successfully launches space junk collector into orbit
Japan’s space agency (JAXA) successfully launched a Kounotori 6 (HTV-6) spacecraft that will deliver a large magnetic tether, a space junk collector technology into orbit. The spacecraft was launched on board of H-IIB rocket from Tanegashima Space Center. It was ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2016
India and Japan Sign Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
After years of negotiations, India and Japan have signed a bilateral Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement on 11 November, 2016. With this, India has become the first non-NPT country with which Japan has signed a Civil Nuclear Agreement. The civil nuclear ..