Page-5 of IUCN Red List

Asiatic Lion population increased

On June 10, 2020, PM Modi on Twitter announced about the increase in population of Asiatic Lions. Highlights The Asiatic Lion population has increased by 29%. It was 523 in 2015 and has increased to 674 in 2020. India has ..


Current Affairs FAQs: Saharan Cheetah

For the first time in a decade, the naturalists have filmed a Saharan Cheetah in a Hoggar Mountains national park in Algeria. What is Saharan Cheetah? Saharan cheetah (Zoological name: Acinonyx jubatus hecki) or Northwest African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus hecki) ..


Exploration underneath Assam National Park receives Environmental Clearance

On May 20, 2020, the major exploration by the Oil India Limited beneath the Dibru-Saikhowa National Park of Assam received environmental clearance. There were concerns that the project would affect the flora and fauna in the region. The park is ..


Baltic Sea: Seal Pups face tough winter due to reduced ice levels

The Seals need ice to keep themselves safe from predators such as wolves and foxes. However, the declining ice in the Baltic sea has disrupted their survivals Highlights With depleting ice levels, the seals are forced to inhabit the islets ..


National Chambal Sanctuary declared as Eco-Sensitive Zone

On March 2, 2020, the Government of India declared National Chambal Sanctuary as Eco-Sensitive Zone. The Sanctuary is home to Gangetic Dolphins and critically endangered Gharials. Highlights The Sanctuary is home to naturally living Gharials. 75% of Gharials live in ..


Red Panda Species are two separate species

On February 29, 2020, the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered that the red panda species are actually two separate species. Earlier, both the Himalayan red pandas and the Chinese red Pandas were together considered as red panda species. However, ..


Asian Elephant, Great Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican classified as “Endangered Migratory Species” at CMS COP13

On February 20, 2020, Asian Elephant, Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican were declared as “Endangered Migratory Species” at the CMS COP 13. The proposal was accepted by 130 countries. Asian Elephant India declared Indian Elephant as “National Heritage Animal”. This ..


Australian Koalas become endangered in bush fires

The Australian Koalas population suffered an extraordinary hit in the bush fires of Australia. It took 3 months for the firemen to control the fires. Highlights Australia recorded 2019 as its hottest year on record. Around 1.25 billion animals are ..


10,000 cameras to be used in Gujarat Lion Census, 2020

The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is to conduct Asiatic Lion Census in May 2020. The Institute will use 10,000 cameras to conduct the census. Highlights In 2015, the WII counted 523 lions in Gujarat. It is expected that the ..


IUCN adds 1840 new species to the Red List of Threatened Species

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added about 1,840 new species to its updated “Red List of Threatened Species”, a catalogue of plants and animals that risk extinction. The list now contains over 30,000 species under threat ..
