Page-3 of ISIS

Turkey considering war on ISIS

Britain has finally made its entry against ISIS and has done its first round of shelling of some key targets of ISIS. The coalition against the group has grown day by day. The airstrikes have claimed to hit the strategic ..



Obama: US Intelligence underestimated IS in Syria

US –led coalition has started its operation on Syrian soils in the northern city of Ayn al-Arab which is the latest area where the forces have conducted air-strikes. President Obama in a recent interview to media told that the US ..



UNSC Adopts Binding Resolution against ISIS

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2178 (2014) at a special sitting of the UNSC where most members were represented by their heads of state and the meeting itself was chaired by President Obama. The resolution ..



Coalition forces start offensive against ISIS

US coalition forces against ISIS have started with the first round of airstrikes against the brutal militant group and its hideouts. The battle as the commanders have put it will only become more hard and prolonged as the militants have ..



Turkish Kurds join battle against ISIS

Syrian Kurdish town of Ayn al-Arab which is facing high levels of unrest as they are battling their survival against ISIS militants who have surrounded the town on three sides, the fourth of which lies next to the Turkish border. ..



France attacks ISIS in Iraq

French have joined the US campaign against ISIS in Iraq. In a first move against the militant outfit, French jets pounded a logistics depot held by the Islamic State for over 3 months. French President had agreed to join the ..



UK shocked at Haines beheading

ISIS a self-proclaimed caliphate and militant group who have since their sudden and astronomical rise in the northern and western Iraq have been sending shock waves around the world with their inhuman and brutal mass murders have now put their ..



US at war with Islamic State: White House

The White House has finally cleared all air which was not letting the dust settle down over President Obama’s policy about Islamic state brutal terrorism and massacres. The Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry had in his meetings with the ..



Australia raises its Alert level to high

Australia is generally a peace-loving country and it has not been long since it has raised its alert level to high in a system with 4 levels of risks associated viz. Low, medium, high and extreme. High means that it ..



Obama spells strategy to counter ISIS

US President Barack Obama has unveiled his strategy to counter the brutal militant group ISIS which has lately ruthlessly two American journalists. In a nationally telecast address, the President committed to degrade and ultimately destroy the ISIS. “I have made ..

