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World Economic Outlook, 2021

Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released the “World Economic Outlook, 2021” report. Key Findings of report The report highlights that, India will witness the strongest growth among the main economies. India’s economy will expand by 11.5 percent in ..


Malaysia’s 3.7 billion USD package

The Malaysian Government recently unveiled 3.7 billion USD package to help the economy recover from impacts of COVID-19. The package amounts to 1.1% of GDP of Malaysia. The package was announced as the country struggled to curb its third wave ..


What is Golden Card Visa issued by UAE?

The United Arab Emirates recently approved the issuance of Golden Card Visa with several changes. The Visa is for ten years. The visa is being provided for professionals, physicians, engineers and PhD holders from certain universities. About Golden Visa Card ..


World Economic Outlook: Key Facts

The International Monetary Fund has recently launched the World Economic Outlook 2020. The report has been titled “A Long and Difficult Ascent”. It is launched twice a year. Once in June and then in October. The one recently launched is ..


G-20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative: Key Facts

On October 1, 2020, the officials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) called for the extension of G20 Debt Service Suspension initiative till the end of 2021. What is Debt Service Suspension Initiative? The DSSI means that for a limited ..


IMF: World Economic Outlook

On June 24, 2020, the International Monetary Fund projected a sharp decline in the growth of Indian Economy. According to the IMF, the Indian economy is to contract by 4.5%. Highlights According to IMF, though India’s growth is to decline, ..


International Monetary and Financial Committee

The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs attended the plenary meeting of IMFC through video-conferencing in light of the COVID-19 crisis. About IMFC The International Monetary and Finance Committee is a body under the IMF (International Monetary Fund). It ..

Economic situation to be the worst since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

The recently released World Bank report predicted that the economic situation in the near future could be the worst since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. 1997 Financial Crisis The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis is also known as the Asian Contagion. ..

IMF lowers from 6.1 to 4.8 Percent GDP Growth Rate for India

The Washington, D.C based international organization, International Monetary Fund (IMF)decreased India’s GDP growth forecast to 4.8 percent for this fiscal year, which is 1.3 percentage point lesser than its previous estimates. Chief Economist of the IMF, Gita Gopinath stated in ..
