Page-9 of Inflation

A look into recent RBI decisions

The Reserve Bank of India’s third quarter recapitulation of monetary policy was devoid of major surprises. The only change in monetary policy instruments was a cut in the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 0.50% point to 5.5%. This decision will ..


Implications of Falling Rupee

The Rupee was on its lowest point in 2 years after September 2009. The sustained fall is not only bad news for importers but is also fuelling inflation, pushing up prices of fuel and other commodities. The Falling Rupee is ..


RBI warns of Higher Inflation

Recently, RBI said that it expects economic growth to moderate to 8% or below in 2011-12 due to global uncertainty and rising interest rates. The central bank also expects inflation to be high for most of the year. Economic growth ..


Global Food Prices Rise 33% in a Year

Recently, a World Bank report was released which said that prices of a number of food commodities have increased sharply over the last twelve months and global food prices are up 33% in July from a year ago. The report ..


Food inflation up 9.9%

The latest data released by the commerce and industry ministry has shown that the wholesale price index for food articles rose an annual 9.90% in the week to July 30, rising from 8.04% in the previous week. Food prices had ..


Current Affairs : June 16, 2011

Short term lending and borrowing rates hiked by 25 basis points by the RBI The RBI raised the RR (Repo Rate) and the RRR (Reverse Repo Rate) by 25 basis points This was to combat inflation RR raised to 7.5% ..



Cash Reserve Ratio

The Cash Reserve Ratio is the amount of funds that the banks are bound to keep with Reserve bank of India as a portion of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL). The objective of CRR is to ensure the ..

Fifth Five Year Plan

The Fifth Five Year Plan India was sketched out for the period spanning 1974 to 1979 with the objectives of increasing the employment level, reducing poverty, and attaining self-reliance. The twin objectives of poverty eradication and attainment of self reliance were inculcated ..