Page-5 of Indira Gandhi

Current Affairs : August 10, 2011

P.C.Alexander passed away Padinjarethalakal Cherian Alexander, a former IAS officer Served in Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s staff P.C. Alexander was at different times Principal Secretary to two Prime Ministers- Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, Indian High Commissioner in the United ..


Current Affairs : Awards : December 6-15, 2009

December 6, 2009: Grawemeyer Award : Eboo PatelIndia-born Eboo Patel who is a member of President Barack Obama’s faith advisory council, has become the first Muslim to win the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Religion from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary ..


Archive : Current News Summaries & Articles

From July 2010 Onwards, Updates have been included in our One Year Email Programme June 2010 Q+A: Global Peace Index 2010 Mad Cow Disease : India is among safest countries Smriti Manjusha – The Time Capsule of Gujarat Technical Advisory ..



Fifth Five Year Plan

The Fifth Five Year Plan India was sketched out for the period spanning 1974 to 1979 with the objectives of increasing the employment level, reducing poverty, and attaining self-reliance. The twin objectives of poverty eradication and attainment of self reliance were inculcated ..

Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-1974)

Fourth Five Year plan was the first plan launched by Indira Gandhi government amid pressure of drought, devaluation and inflationary recession. The country was fighting with population explosion, increased unemployment, poverty and a shackling economy. In addition, the situation in ..