Page-9 of Indian Navy
Varuna 2021: India-France Naval Exercise
The Indian and French Navies recently conducted the Varuna Naval Exercise in the Arabian Sea. The Varuna, 2021 is a part of the Clemenceau 2021. About Varuna 2021 The exercise included surface and anti-weapon firings, tactical manoeuvres, rotary wing flying ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
INS Sarvekshak: Joint Hydrographc Survey in Mauritius
The INS Sarvekshak is on a deployment to Mauritius for undertaking Hydrogrpahic surveys along with Mauritius. It will also provide training to the Mauritian personnel on advanced hydrographic equipment and practices during the deployment. Hydrographic Survey INS Sarvekshak has visited ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
National Maritime Day: April 5
Every year the National Maritime Day is celebrated on April 5 in India. The first National Maritime Day was celebrated in 1964. The day is dedicated to seafarers. About National Maritime Day The National Maritime Day is celebrated every year ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
India- Indonesia Navies conduct PASSEX exercise
The Indian and the Indonesian navies held the PASSEX military exercise in the Arabian sea on February 18, 2021. This military exercise was organised in order to enhance the operational interoperability and the overall cooperation. Highlights INS Talwar represented the ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
Exercise TROPEX-21: Key Highlights
The biennial Theatre Level Operational Readiness Exercise (TROPEX 21) which is the largest wargame of the Indian Navy was started in January 2021. The exercise is still underway and it will end in the third week of February 2021. About ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
SC stays dismantling of INS Viraat
The Supreme Court have put a stay on the dismantling of the INS Viraat that was decommissioned recently. This decision was taken in the backdrop to restore the everlasting glory of this legendary warship of the Indian Navy. Background The ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
Decommissioning of IN FAC T-81
The Indian Naval Fast Attack Craft, IN FAC T-81, of the Super Dvora MK II class was decommissioned on January 28 2020 in Mumbai. Highlights The IN FAC T-81 was decommissioned after providing service for more than 20 years. The ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2021
Exercise Kavach: To be held under Andaman and Nicobar Command
The Indian Army is to conduct a large scale joint military exercise Kavach in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal. The exercise is to be held under the aegis of Andaman and Nicobar Command. About the Exercise The Joint ..