Page-21 of Indian Navy

IAF inks Rs 300 crore deal to procure SPICE 2000 bombs from Israel

Indian Air Force (IAF) signed Rs.300 crore deal with Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, an Israeli defence firm to procure a batch of SPICE 2000 guided bombs. Key Highlights The order for bombs was placed under Special Financial Powers given ..


 Indian Navy deploys P81 to increase Anti-Piracy Patrol

The Indian Navy recently deployed its P8I surveillance planes for carrying out anti-piracy patrol sorties from Salalah (in Oman) to patrol the Gulf of Aden and other piracy prone areas. Key Highlights Objective: The deployment is an expansion of Navy’s ..


Go Green Plans of Indian Navy

The Indian Navies Indian Navy Environment Conservation Roadmap (INECR) envisions a reduction in energy consumption and diversification of energy supply as the key result areas. Policies aimed at reduction of energy consumption and environment sustenance have been formulated and disseminated ..

Supersonic Cruise Missile BrahMos test fired

The Anti-ship version of supersonic cruise missile BrahMos was test fired from the launch complex-3 of Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur in Odisha. About BrahMos Missile The name BrahMos is formed from names of two rivers i.e. Indian river ..


Sahara: Hostel for the ‘Veer Naris’

Lt. Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal, inaugurated the Sahara Naval Hostel for the ‘Veer Naris’ at Vasant Kunj in New Delhi. About Sahara Hostel Project It is a unique Hostel project for Naval Widows or Veer Naris. Objective: It aims ..


8th Indo-Myanmar Coordinated Patrol (IMCOR-2019) started at Port Blair

The 8th edition of Indo-Myanmar Coordinated Patrol (IMCOR-2019) has started at Port Blair in Andaman and Nicobar Command on May 20. The CORPAT (coordinated patrol) initiative between Indian and Myanmar navies is meant to address issues of terrorism, illegal fishing, ..

MRSAM: successfully tested by Indian Navy

Indian Navy successfully conducted test firing of Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) on the Western Seaboard. Key Highlights About: The Indian Navy undertook its maiden cooperative engagement firing of Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) and has ..


Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Vigraha decommissioned

The Indian Coast Guard ship (ICGS) Vigraha was decommissioned at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The decommissioning ceremony was attended by eight former Commanding Officers who had been at the helm of the ship, along with former and the present crew. About ..


First full-fledged Services Selection Board (SSB) of Indian Navy opened in Kolkata

The first full-fledged Services Selection Board (SSB) of Indian Navy has been inaugurated by Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba at Diamond Harbour near Kolkata. The SSB (Kolkata) will boost the induction of officers, both men and women, into the Indian ..

Indian Armed Forces carry out Exercise Bull Strike at Teressa Island in Andaman and Nicobar

On May 9, the Indian Armed Forces carried out Exercise Bull Strike at Teressa Island in Andaman and Nicobar (A&N). The military drill was conducted to showcase joint operations capability of the armed forces. During the exercise, the army personnel ..