Page-15 of Indian Hindus

Current Affairs : August 27, 2011

6 States get New Governors State New Governor Tamil Nadu Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah Madhya Pradesh Senior Congress leader Ram Naresh Yadav Mizoram V Purushothaman Jharkhand Syed Ahmed Kerala Jharkhand Governor M O H Farooq transferred and ..


Current Affairs : August 10, 2011

P.C.Alexander passed away Padinjarethalakal Cherian Alexander, a former IAS officer Served in Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s staff P.C. Alexander was at different times Principal Secretary to two Prime Ministers- Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, Indian High Commissioner in the United ..


Current Affairs: 5 & 6 July 2011

Dree festival in Arunachal Pradesh Dree Festival: The chief festival of the Apatani community in Arunachal Pradesh Dree being celebrated in the state with conventional passion Few rites are performed to worship and appease Gods and Goddesses, who protect the ..


Current Affairs : Awards : December 6-15, 2009

December 6, 2009: Grawemeyer Award : Eboo PatelIndia-born Eboo Patel who is a member of President Barack Obama’s faith advisory council, has become the first Muslim to win the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Religion from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary ..


Current Affairs Current Affairs: Awards : July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009: Save the World’ Awards dedicated to Michael Jackson: ‘Heal the World’July 24, 2009: Indira peace prize for Gates foundationJuly 25, 2009: Shahid Kapur gets prestigious Rajiv Gandhi awardJuly 25, 2009 : Lord Swraj Paul honoured with ‘Pride ..


Archive : Current News Summaries & Articles

From July 2010 Onwards, Updates have been included in our One Year Email Programme June 2010 Q+A: Global Peace Index 2010 Mad Cow Disease : India is among safest countries Smriti Manjusha – The Time Capsule of Gujarat Technical Advisory ..



History Compendium-3

First Modern OlympicsThe 1896 Summer Olympics are known as the Games of the I Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in Athens, Greece, from April 6 to April 15, 1896. It was the first Olympic Games held ..