Page-10 of India

EX-DUSTLIK Military Exercise

EX- DUSTLIK’s is a joint training exercise that is conducted between the armies of India and Uzbekistan. The 3rd edition of this exercise is being conducted at Yangiarik, Uzbekistan from 22nd to 31st March 2022. Overview: Ex-DUSTLIK’s last edition was ..



India-Australia Virtual Summit

On 21st March, India and Australia held a virtual summit. At the summit, there were talks regarding critical investment, critical minerals, migration, defense, technological cooperation, and digital sectors. Overview: PM Modi and Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister took part in ..



India-Canada CEPA Negotiations

India and Canada agreed to re-launch Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Negotiations. India- Canada ministerial dialogue The decision regarding the re-launch of CEPA negotiations was announced following the fifth India- Canada ministerial dialogue on trade and investment, held on 11th ..



Dharma Guardian 2022

At Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre in Belagavi, Karnataka, the army contingents of India and Japan together carried out mock drills during the joint military exercise ‘Dharma Guardian 2022’. Overview: This annual military exercise between the armies of India and ..



SLINEX 2022 Exercise

From March 7 to 10, the ninth edition of the Indian and Sri Lankan Navy bilateral maritime exercise SLINEX (Sri Lanka–India Naval Exercise) will be held at Visakhapatnam. Overview: In two phases this exercise will be conducted with the Harbour ..



Sri Lanka Power Cuts

Sri Lanka, reeling under its worst economic crisis, has announced a nationwide daily power cut of seven-and-a-half hours each. This is Sri Lanka’s longest power cut announced in 26 years. Overview: The Sri Lankan government has been imposing sporadic power ..



UNGA Resolution Deploring Russian Aggression

The 193-member UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly deploring Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, just days after Russia vetoed a similar resolution on the increasing crisis between the two countries in the Security Council. Overview: The United Nations General Assembly ..



IPCC Assessment Report

Even if greenhouse gas emissions are decreased, several disasters caused by climate change are likely to happen in the next two decades, according to a report compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Overview: India will be severely ..



Russian-Ukraine Crisis: India’s Stand in UNSC Draft Resolution

India abstained from a United Nations Security Council resolution sponsored by the United States that strongly condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. India stated that discussion is the only way to resolve differences and issues, and expressed regret that diplomacy was ..



USCC International Intellectual Property Index

According to an annual report which has been published by the prominent US Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center, India’s total IP score has risen from 38.4 percent to 38.6 percent, and the country is now ranked 43 out ..

