
Prime Minister Modi’s First State Visit to US

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to the United States on a state visit, marking his first such visit during his nine-year tenure. The previous state visit by an Indian prime minister to the US occurred from November ..



Cope India Exercise

India and the United States are set to conduct the next edition of their bilateral air exercise called ‘Cope India’. This is aimed at enhancing the interoperability between the air forces the two countries. The air exercise will take place ..



McMahon Line and the US’ Backing: Important Facts

Recently, two United States Senators, one Republican and one Democrat, introduced a bipartisan resolution in Congress, reaffirming the US’s recognition of the McMahon Line as the international boundary between China and India in Arunachal Pradesh. The resolution also supports India’s ..



Bihar Fog Alert System at $50,000

Dense fog affects visibility. Daily life disrupts due to fog and results in economic losses. To give an early warning about fog in the country, the Bihar Government approved 50,000 USD. The funds will be used to develop the warning ..



India joins Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate

The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate is a joint initiative of the US. It was started by UAE and USA. The main objective of the initiative is to address hunger and climate change. This is to be achieved by inviting ..



US Bill on Arunachal Pradesh LAC

The US senate recently passed a resolution condemning China. According to the resolution, China is changing the status of LAC using its military force. Also, the resolution lauded India for the country’s steps to defend itself against Chinese aggression at ..



CBRN terror response in TARKASH Exercise

India and USA military recently conducted the TARKASHA exercise. It was held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The Special Operation Forces of the US and the National Security Guard of India participated in the exercise. Usually, military exercises focus on enhancing ..



Russia supplied 13 billion USD worth arms to India in last 5 years

A report recently released by the Government of Russia states that the country supplied 13 billion USD worth of arms to India in the last five years. Apart from this, India has placed 10 billion USD worth of military equipment ..



US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies

The Government of India has been bringing tremendous changes in the defense sector in the recent past. The changes made the defense ministry, the largest buyer of MSME goods in 2022 amongst all other ministries. India is also pushing startups ..



Tiger Triumph exercise

The Tiger Triumph exercise was jointly conducted by the United States and Indian militaries in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Key facts The “Tiger Triumph” tabletop simulation was organized at India’s Eastern Naval Command in Visakhapatnam from October 18 to 20 this ..

