Page-2 of India-Mauritius

India and Mauritius Inks Four Agreements

India and Mauritius have signed four agreements after delegation-level talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Kumar Jugnauth in New Delhi. Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has chosen India as a destination of his first visit since taking over as prime minister ..


Union Cabinet approves MoU between India and Mauritius in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation

The Union Cabinet has approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Mauritius in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation. The MoU will encourage cooperation between both countries in the field of rural development and ..


Union Cabinet gives nod to India, Mauritius agreement on cooperation in Cooperatives

The Union Cabinet has given its approval for signing of an Inter-Governmental Agreement between India and Mauritius on cooperation in cooperatives and related fields. The Agreement provides for promoting cooperation between both countries through short and medium term programmes within ..


India, Mauritius signs Protocol to Amend Taxation Methods

India and Mauritius have signed a protocol to amend taxation methods for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and capital gains. The Protocol seeks to prevent “abuse” of the ..


India, Mauritius ink MoU to promote traditional medicine

India and Mauritius have inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote cooperation in traditional medicine and homeopathy The MoU envisages supply of traditional medicinal substances, exchange of experts, joint R&D and recognition of the traditional systems of health and ..


India and Mauritius ink five MoUs to boost bilateral co-operation

India and Mauritius have inked 5 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to give new impetus to bilateral co-operation. These MoUs were signed in Port Luis, Mauritius during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to island nation as part of three-nation tour of ..


Mauritius to provide India automatic exchange of tax information

In a step taken to address India’s concerns about Mauritius being used for money laundering activities, the island nation has decided to provide automatic exchange of tax related information with India. India and Mauritius have also agreed upon to have ..



Singapore replaces Mauritius as the top source of FDI in India

As per the data of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), during the financial year 2013-14, India received $5.98 billion in FDI from Singapore, whereas it was $4.85 billion from Mauritius. With this, Singapore has replaced Mauritius as ..


“LOB” Clause agreed between India and Mauritius

Mauritius and India agreed on the principle of including a Limitation Of Benefit (LOB) or anti-treaty shopping law clause in the revised tax treaty to ring-fence its jurisdiction from any attempts of round-tripping and money laundering activities. The LOB clause limits ..