Page-5 of india-japan

First India-Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting held in New Delhi

India and Japan held their first ever Foreign and Defence Ministerial Dialogue (2+2) in New Delhi. During the meet the two sides discussed about boosting defence and security ties besides other issues of mutual interest. This India-Japan ministerial meeting comes ..


First India-Japan 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue

India and Japan will hold their inaugural Foreign and Defence Ministerial Dialogue (2+2) in New Delhi on Saturday, November 30, 2019. This will be the first-ever 2+2, foreign and defence ministerial dialogue between the two countries, providing an opportunity for ..

Guwahati to host 14th India-Japan Annual Summit

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be on a two-day visit to India. Guwahati has been chosen to host the annual summit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, scheduled to be held in the mid of ..

Mine Counter Measure Exercise-first time between India and Japan

The Indian Naval Forces and the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) was held on November 23, 2019. This is the firs time an explosive ordance disposal and mine counter measure was held by Indian and Japanese forces. Mine Counter ..


NIA hosts the first counter terrorism exercise for Quad Countries

The National Investigation Agency will host the first “Counter Terrorism Exercise” between November 21, 2019 and November 22, 2019. The CT-TTX, Counter Terrorism Table Top Exercise will exercise the Quad countries namely India, Japan, US and Australia. Highlights The exercise ..


Cabinet approves Patent Prosecution Highway programme

Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for adoption of Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) programme. It will be adopted by Indian Patent Office (IPO) under Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, India (CGPDTM), ..


11th BRICS Summit

PM Modi attended the 11th BRICS summit and invited business leaders from BRICS nations to invest in India, especially in infrastructure development. Highlights of the summit The BRICS countries discussed in creating a common crypto currency for mutual payments. The ..


India to attend GFSEC ministerial meeting

Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Steel Shri Dharmendra Pradhan is to visit Russia and Japan between October 22 and October 26 2019. This is a follow up visit of PM Modi for the Eastern Economic Forum in September ..


Shinyuu Maitri-2019:  Indo-Japan Joint Air Force Exercise

The Indian Air Force will be carrying out a joint military exercise called ‘Shinyuu Maitri’ with Japanese Air Self Defence Force (JASDF) from 17 to 23 October 2019. The joint exercise will be held at Air Force Station, Arjan Singh ..


President Kovind on a seven day visit to Philippines, Japan

President Ram Nath Kovind will begin his seven-day visit to Philippines and Japan on 17th October, 2019. The President’s first visit will be Philippines. He will hold delegation level restricted talks with his Filipino counter part Rodrigo Roa Duterte. He ..
