Page-2 of Immune system

CSIR: Clinical Trial of “Sepsivac” drug on critically ill COVID-19 patients

On April 22, 2020, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research announced that it is to go for clinical trials on critically ill COVID-19 patients. Background The Drugs Controller General of India recently approved the trial of “Sepsivac”. The drug ..


Sepsis in COVID-19

Sepsis is a major cause of death world-wide even under normal circumstances. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the condition is claiming even more lives. Sepsis It is a medical condition where body’s immune system goes into an overdrive and ..

New Combination Strategy may kill Cancer Cells Better

The Indian scientists have explored the possibility of reaching out to cancer cells and triggering their natural programmed death. How does this approach work? The approach uses the combined effect of targeting and inducing a ‘stress’ inside the Endoplasmic Reticulum ..

2019 World Allergy Week (WAW)

The World Allergy Week (WAW) is an annual initiative of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) to raise awareness of allergic disease and related disorders and advocate for the provision of training and resources in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of ..

Researchers created world’s first gene-edited Lizard

Researchers from the University of Georgia have successfully targeted the pigmentation genes of Anolis sagrei lizards to create four nearly transparent albino offspring. The lizards have been genetically modified using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool. Researchers were able to microinject ..

Chinese scientist discovers a possible “death switch” mechanism in plant’s immune system

Chinese scientists have discovered a possible “death switch” mechanism in plant’s immune system that triggers infected cells to self-destruct, thus limiting the spread of the disease and keeping other parts of the plant healthy. This is as per the findings ..

2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to Dr. James P. Allison of the United States and Dr. Tasuku Honjo of Japan for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. Both ..

China’s researchers claims to create world’s first single-chromosome yeast

Molecular biologists at the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences in China have claimed to create the world’s first single-chromosome yeast while not affecting the majority of its functions. If their claim is true then this breakthrough could help ..

Human antibodies produced in lab for first time

Scientists for the first time have produced human antibodies in the laboratory. They have developed revolutionary technique which can help in rapid development of new vaccines to treat a wide range of infectious diseases. Antibodies Antibodies mainly function in the ..
