Page-28 of IBPS
MyGov: Financial Inclusion Plan gets impetus from ‘Creative Corner’
The new Narendra Modi led Government has taken up the task of Comprehensive Financial Inclusion. It is projected to be achieved by August 2018 with basic banking accounts for everyone by August 2015. Comprehensive Financial Inclusion intends to make banking services ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Sierra Leone President declared public health emergency to curb Ebola disease
President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma proclaimed a public health emergency in Sierra Leone to control the deadly Ebola outbreak. Ebola has so far caused death of around 233 in Sierra Leone. According to the UN data, 729 people ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: International / World Current Affairs
RTS,S: World's first vaccine against Malaria to hit markets soon
The world’s first malaria vaccine— RTS,S created by pharma company GSK, is expected to hit the markets by 2015. GSK has submitted a regulatory application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for its malaria vaccine candidate, RTS,S. Application of RTS,S: ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: Science & Technology Current Affairs
Special 301 Report: Section 3(D) of the Indian Patent Act opposed by the US
The US has taken exception to India’s level of protection provided to Intellectual Property as it brought the “Special 301 Report” for the year 2014 which classifies India as a “Priority watch list country”. The reports mentions US concerns based ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Man-made water vapour next climate threat
Scientists have warned that increasing levels of water vapour in the upper troposphere – a key intensifier of global warming – owing to greenhouse gases will amplify climate change impacts over the next decades. Scientists at University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: Science & Technology Current Affairs
Key points in proposed Judicial Appointment Commission Bill
The controversy over the efficacy of the collegium system for appointing Supreme Court judges has gained momentum with many leaders and even eminent jurists including well-known names such as Markandey Katju have been candid on the failure of the current collegium ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
World has only 3,200 tigers left: WWF report
In a sharp contrast to the 100,000 tigers that once lived in the wild a century ago, the number now has reduced to just 3,200. This was revealed by a latest report released by the World Wide Fund (WWF). WWF ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: International / World Current Affairs
Theodore VanKirk (Dutch): Last Airman in US bombing of Hiroshima passed away
Theodore VanKirk (93), also known as “Dutch,” who was the last surviving member of the crew that jettisoned an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing an end of World War II and forcing the world into the atomic age, passed away ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News