Page-2 of Health care
“Nigah” Scheme to be launched by Himachal Pradesh Government
The Himachal Pradesh Government is to launch a new programme called “Nigah”. The programme aims at educating family members that are coming from other parts of the country. Highlights The Nigah Programme is to deploy ASHA, anganwadi and health workers ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020
Herbal Decongestant Spray developed by CSIR
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI) has developed herbal decongestant spray. The spray is used to prevent COVID-19 infection and to ease wearing masks. Highlights Wearing mask for a long time creates difficulty in breathing ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
Apthamitra: Helpline and application launched by Karnataka Government
The State Government of Karnataka has launched “Apthamitra” mobile application and helpline to fight COVID-19. The application was launched by the Chief Minister of the state B S Yediyurappa. Highlights The application aims at providing medical guidance and advice on ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
GoI brings in ordinance making attack on doctors punishable up to 7 years
On April 22, 2020, the Government of India brought in ordinance to end violence against doctors and health care workers. Highlights According to the ordinance, persons attacking health personnel are to be sentenced to jail for 6 months to 7 ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
GoI: Recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in the country is 17.47%
On April 21, 2020, the Government of India announced that the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in the country is 17.47%. There are more than 61 districts in 23 states and union territories where no fresh cases have been reported ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
CPCB issues guidelines to handle COVID-19 treatment wastes
On April 20, 2020, the Central Pollution Control Board has issued guidelines to manage waste generated during treatment of COVID-19 patients. The guidelines are to be followed by sample collection centres, isolation wards, quarantine centres and also by all biomedical ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
GoI announces 170 hotspots and 207 non hotspots of COVID-19
On April 15, 2020, the Government of India announced 170 hotspots and 207 non hotspots in the country. Highlights The districts were sorted into 3 zones namely hot posts, non-hotspots and green zones. The sorting was done by the Ministry ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
NITI Aayog: “Arogya Setu” – Fastest App to reach 50 million downloads
On April 15, 2020 NITI Aayog announced that Arogya Setu became the first mobile application in the world to reach more than 50 million downloads in short span of time. Highlights The application was developed by a committee set up ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
“COVSACK” developed by DRDO to combat COVID-19
The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has developed COVSACK to receive samples from COVID-19 infected patients. The COVSACK is COVID-19 Sample Collection Kiosk. Highlights The COVSACK was developed by consulting doctors in Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). About COVSACK ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
PM Modi launches “Saptapadi” to fight against COVID-19
On April 14, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched “Saptapdi” to fight against COVID-19. Saptapadi is seven mantras to fight against the virus. Highlights PM Modi extended the lock down till May 3, 2020. This has been done after demarcating ..