Page-2 of Groundwater

Water Crisis: Data from World Resources Institute

The new data from the World Resources Institute makes the following observations: About one-quarter of the world’s population is facing extremely high levels of baseline water stress (i.e. irrigated agriculture, industries, and municipalities withdraw more than 80% of their available supply ..

Jal Shakti Abhiyan

The Ministry of Jal Shakti of Central government is set to initiate the Jal Shakti Abhiyan to ramp up rainwater harvesting and conservation efforts in 255 water-stressed districts from July 1. About the Campaign The campaign aims to accelerate water ..

Scientists of Ohio State University created a global map of where groundwater meets oceans

The researchers from Ohio State University in United States have created high-resolution maps of points around the globe where groundwater meets the oceans — the first such analysis of its kind that may help protect both drinking water and the ..

IIT-Kharagpur conducts study on River Ganga that indicates that river is drying up in summers due to groundwater depletion

IIT-Kharagpur has recently conducted study on River Ganga that indicates that river is drying up in summers due to groundwater depletion. The study, published recently in Scientific Reports magazine by Nature Publishing Group, used a combination of satellite images of ..

India-UK Joint Team wins Newton-Bhabha Fund for project on Groundwater Arsenic Research in Ganga River Basin

An India-UK Joint Team has won the Newton-Bhabha Fund for a project on Groundwater Arsenic Research in Ganga River Basin. The Department of Science and Technology has undertaken the project with the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) of United Kingdom ..

Atal Bhujal Yojana: Government formulates ambitious water conservation scheme

The Union Government has formulated ambitious water conservation scheme Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABY) to tackle ever-deepening crisis of depleting groundwater level. The Rs 6,000-crore will be piloted under the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. It is ..


India to host 7th International Ground Water Conference (IGWC-2017)

The 7th International Ground Water Conference (IGWC-2017) will be hosted by India in New Delhi with a theme of “Ground water Vision 2030- Water Security, Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation” from December 11 to 13, 2017. The conference has been ..

Industries should use recycled groundwater: Water Ministry

The Union Water Ministry is planning to impose restrictions on how industries, farmers and various groups can use groundwater by amending to a Bill on groundwater management. It was announced by the Union Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti at a ..


Atlas: “Aquifer System of India” launched

Ministry of water resources and parliamentary affairs released Atlas for six states namely- Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh and Meghalaya. What is special about this Atlas? In this Atlas which is named Aquifer Sysytem of India, the Central ..

NATIONAL WATER LAW under consideration

Centre has decided to constitute National Water Framework Act with guiding principles on water laws the States may implement. Incentives will be given for water projects to states who adopt the Act. Head of the panel: Former Planning Commission member, ..
