Gita Gopinath

Gita Gopinath in ‘Wall of former chief economists’

Gita Gopinath recently got featured on “wall of former chief economists” of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She is the first woman and second Indian to get this honour. Key Facts The first Indian to get featured on “wall of ..



Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas: New IMF Chief Economist

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) have appointed Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas as the new Chief Economist. Key Points He succeeds Gita Gopinath as its chief economist. Gourinchas is presently the director of Clausen Center for International Business & Policy, at the University ..



Gita Gopinath: IMF First Deputy Managing Director

The Indian American, Gita Gopinath has become the first Deputy Managing Director of International Monetary Fund. She is the first Indian to take up the top role in the organisation. First Deputy Managing Director is the second top post in ..


Gita Gopinath to leave IMF

Chief Economist and Director of the Research Department of International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gita Gopinath, is set to leave her job in January 2022. Highlights She will return to the prestigious Harvard University, after leaving the job. The Indian-American economist ..


IMF World Economic Outlook- Update

On July 27th the International Monetary Fund has cut India’s GDP growth forecast to 9.5% for the fiscal year 2021-22. Previously, IMF has forecasted 12.5% GDP growth. Highlights relating to India GDP forecast has been cut citing the hit on ..


IMF to keep 2021 global growth forecast at 6%: Managing Director

On July 21, 2021, The International Monetary Fund has said that it is estimating that global growth for 2021 will be about 6%, the same that was forecasted in April, but some countries are growing faster and others more slowly. ..


IMF lowers from 6.1 to 4.8 Percent GDP Growth Rate for India

The Washington, D.C based international organization, International Monetary Fund (IMF)decreased India’s GDP growth forecast to 4.8 percent for this fiscal year, which is 1.3 percentage point lesser than its previous estimates. Chief Economist of the IMF, Gita Gopinath stated in ..


Gita Gopinath becomes the first female chief economist of IMF

Gita Gopinath has joined International Monetary Fund as its chief economist. She is the first woman to occupy the post of chief economist of IMF. She is the 11th chief economist of the IMF. Role of Chief Economist of IMF ..


Gita Gopinath joined IMF as its first female Chief Economist

Prof. Gita Gopinath, the John Zwaanstra professor of International Studies and Economics at Harvard University, has joined International Monetary Fund (IMF) as its first female Chief Economist. The 11th chief economist of the IMF, Gopinath succeeded Maurice (Maury) Obstfeld as ..

Gita Gopinath named as Chief Economist of International Monetary Fund

Gita Gopinath, professor at Harvard University, has been appointed chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The India-born economist will succeed Maurice (Maury) Obstfeld, who is to retire at the end of 2018.With this, Gopinath will become the 2nd ..