Page-10 of Germany

Vijay Keshav Gokhale appointed as India’s ambassador to China

Senior diplomat Vijay Keshav Gokhale has been appointed as India’s Ambassador to China. He will replace Ashok Kantha, who was appointed as envoy to China in January 2014 for a two-year term i.e. till January 2016. Currently, Mr.Gokhale is serving ..


Germany celebrates 25 years of unity

Germany celebrated 25 years of reunification on 3 October 2015 marking the day in 1990 when communist East Germany and capitalist West Germany reunited country. On this occasion of silver jubilee celebration, Germany has organised a street party at the ..


India to Chair G20 in 2018

India is going to chair Group of Twenty (G20) nations forum in year 2018 and New Delhi could be the host of the prestigious annual G20 summit. This decision was taken by G20 forum earlier in September 2015 which was ..


G-4 countries issue Joint Statement on UNSC Reforms

G-4 countries viz Brazil, Germany, India and Japan have issued a Joint Statement on United Nations Security Council Reforms (UNSC). It was issued after G-4 meeting held in New York,US which was called by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and ..


Hungary Declares state of Emergency over Refugee Influx

Hungarian Government has declared a state of emergency in its two regions of Csongrad and Bacs-Kiskun to cope with the influx of refugees. It was declared by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. This move could pave the way to bringing ..


Raghavendra Gadagkar conferred with Cross of Order of the Merit Award of Germany

Professor Raghavendra Gadagkar has been conferred with highest civilian award of Germany, Cross of Order of the Merit. He was bestowed with this award in recognition of his work in strengthening Indo-German research co-operation in the field of behavioural ecology and ..

50 nations, including India sign 60-article agreement on China-led AIIB

50 founding nations including India have signed 60-article agreement of China-led multilateral Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Australia was the first country to sign the agreement and was followed by 49 other members. Indian Ambassador Ashok Kantha signed the agreement ..


China launches freight train service connecting Europe by linking Harbin and Hamburg

China has launched a freight train service between its northeastern city of Harbin and Europe. The 9,820-km-long distance rail route will open new trade options for Chinese goods in the European Market. It was launched by HAO Logistics Co. Ltd ..


India 5th biggest generator of e-waste in 2014: UN report

As per recently released Global E-Waste Monitor 2014 report by United Nations, India is the fifth biggest producer of e-waste in the world. The report was compiled by UN think tank United Nations University (UNU). Key facts from report Top ..


German Nobel laureate novelist Gunter Grass passes away

German Nobel laureate novelist Guenter Grass passed away on 12 April 2015 in Berlin. He was 87. Grass is recognized for his efforts to revive German culture in the aftermath of World War II and also had given voice and ..
