Page-4 of Geology
Turkey: Massive Earthquake hits Van and surrounding areas
A massive Earthquake of 7.3 magnitude in southeast part of the Turkey claimed 500-1,000 lives. Emergency workers battled to rescue people trapped in buildings in the city of Van and surrounding districts on the banks of Lake Van, near Turkey’s ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2011
Sikkim Earthquake of 2011
The September 18, 2011 India-Nepal border region earthquake of magnitude 6.9 occurred near the boundary between the India and Eurasia plates, in the mountainous region of northeast India near the Nepalese boarder. Initial analyses suggest the earthquake was complex, likely ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2011
Microfossils at Strelley Pool hint at life on Mars
In Western Australia, there is a remote large, dry, thinly populated region called Pilbara, which is famous for its vast mineral deposits. In this Pilbara region, there is a site known as Strelley Pool, where in 2007, some of the ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2011
Discovery of DNA components in meteorites
In this update are talking about the carbonaceous chondrites and ureilite. Carbonaceous chondrites or C chondrites are meterorites of 7 known and many unknown groups. Ureilite is a rare type of stony meteorite that has a unique mineralogical composition very ..