Page-38 of Geography

United Nations selects Dubai as data hub for MENASA region

The United Nations (UN) has selected Dubai as the data hub for the Middle East North Africa and South Asia (MENASA) region for the city’s integrated initiatives to mine and manage its data. The designation will be part of a ..

New canyon system found near Kovvada, Andhra Pradesh

Scientists for the first time have discovered three new canyons close to Kovvada in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh. This discovery was made by team of scientists from CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) in Visakhapatnam. These three canyons together form ..


Scientists claim discovery of Zealandia a submerged continent in Pacific Ocean

Geologists have claimed discovery of new geological continent named Zealandia submerged beneath the south-west Pacific Ocean. Zealandia is around 4.5-million square km land mass and is 94% under water. Only its highest points — New Zealand and New Caledonia are ..


Scientists confirm existence of lost continent lies under Indian Ocean

Scientists have confirmed the existence of a “lost continent” under the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. It is left over by the break-up of the super-continent Gondwana, which started about 200 million years ago. The discovery was based on study ..


Silicon identified as 'missing element' in Earth's core

Scientists from Tohoku University in Japan have claimed that Silicon (Si) is the ‘missing element’ in the Earth’s core. This discovery could help us to better understand how our world formed. According to them silicon likely makes up a significant ..


New fault in Indian Ocean may trigger earthquakes in future: study

According to scientists, a new plate boundary may be forming on the floor of the Indian Ocean in Wharton Basin as a result of the 2012 earthquake that shook the Andaman-Sumatra region. The discovery was based on the study of ..


Scientists witness the birth of an ice cloud for the first time

US based researchers for the first time have observed the creation of ice crystals on individual atmospheric particles in the laboratory. This observation gives an unprecedented glimpse at most critical but least understood parts of the process of cold clouds ..


Hong Kong to withdraw visa-free entry for Indians

Hong Kong has decided to withdraw visa-free facility for Indians. From January 23, 2017, onwards, Indian travellers will have to complete a pre-arrival registration. The move was taken on the ground that the number of Indian asylum seekers was on ..